
Our news helps everyone working with and for children in need of care and protection, their families and carers, and with care leavers, to keep up to speed with what's going on in the sector, here in Scotland, and further afield.

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland logo

Secure Care focus of new investigation by Scotland’s Children’s Commissioner

16 December 2019
The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland has announced an investigation into secure accommodation in Scotland.

SOS Children's Villages logo

European Social Network award win

11 December 2019
SOS Children’s Villages International win a major European award. logo

Statistics for Children looked after in England

10 December 2019
Department of Education in UK Government publishes 'Children looked after in England including adoption 2018 - 2019 statistics.

Scottish Government logo

Age threshold of payments for survivors of childhood abuse lowered

06 December 2019
The Scottish Government announces changes to the Advance Payment scheme following review.

Stop it now logo

Upstream Project launched to prevent child sexual abuse

05 December 2019
The Upstream Project was set up to enable adults and communities in Scotland prevent child sexual abuse. Preventing child sexual…