Our news helps everyone working with and for children in need of care and protection, their families and carers, and with care leavers, to keep up to speed with what's going on in the sector, here in Scotland, and further afield.

The Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in Child and Youth Friendly Language
19 November 2019
SOS Children's Villages have published a child and youth friendly version of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children…

Improving the housing journey for care leavers
12 November 2019
New guidance published today (12 November 2019) provides recommendations to improve support for care leavers at risk of becoming…

Children’s Commissioners publish UNCRC mid-term review
07 November 2019
The Children’s Commissioners of the UK’s four nations have published their UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) mid-…
Further support announced for looked after children
28 October 2019
The Scottish Government has announced more than £12 million of further funding to improve the attainment of looked after childre…

New research into kinship care in Scotland and Ireland
25 October 2019
Researchers at CELCIS and the University of Dublin have published a new comparative study on the emergence of formal kinship car…