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Scottish social services workforce data

30 August 2018
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has published its 2017 Workforce Data Report showing an increase in the size of the …

The Scottish Social Services Expo 2018 logo

Social Services Expo 2018

24 August 2018
Scotland’s Social Services sector to share best practice and innovation.

Barnardo's logo

Trauma support needed in Scotland’s schools

23 August 2018
Barnardo’s Scotland call for more support for teachers working with children and young people who experience trauma.

SSSC logo

New Chief Executive appointed to SSSC

20 August 2018
Lorraine Gray is the new head of the Scottish Social Services Council.


Scottish children with additional support needs may not get the support they need

02 August 2018
The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition highlight a worsening in the ratio of those with additional support needs (ASN) being…