Scottish Government logo

Student grant increase announced for care experienced young people in Scotland

11 June 2018
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon commits to increasing financial support for care experienced young people in higher and further e…

Ofsted logo

Ofsted head warns some young children start school lacking basic hygiene and language skills

07 June 2018
Ofsted's Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman highlights her department’s concerns and the need for early years workers to play their…

Care Review logo

Independent Care Review enters next phase of work

04 June 2018
The Independent Care Review of Scotland’s care system enters its 'Journey' stage.

Children's commissioner for England logo

Children’s Commissioner for England concerned for ‘pinball kids’ in care

01 June 2018
A new report highlights the disruptive impact of changes to circumstances.

University of Strathclyde logo

Five full funded places available for Strathclyde child care course

21 May 2018
The School of Social Work and Social Policy at the University of Strathclyde has just announced that it has five fully funded pl…