Kilbrandon again logo

Kilbrandon Now – new independent enquiry report on youth justice

28 November 2018
The report of an independent enquiry on youth justice in Scotland, Kilbrandon Again, has been published today.

Life Changes Trust logo

Public attitudes towards people with care experience published

20 November 2018
A survey, commissioned by the Life Changes Trust on public attitudes to young people with care experience has just been publishe…


Call to protect rights on World Children’s Day 2018

19 November 2018
Tuesday 20 November is World Children’s Day, led by Unicef, the world’s leading organisation for children in danger working in 9…

Adoption UK logo

Adoption Week Scotland 2018

19 November 2018
Adoption Week in Scotland takes place between Monday 19 – Saturday 24 November 2018, and is being run by Adoption UK in Scotland…

Department for Education logo

UK Government releases annual statistics on looked after children in England

16 November 2018
Department for Education has published the Children looked after in England including adoption: 2017 to 2018 statistics for the …