Celcis logo

Good Practice Note guides local authorities through Council Tax exemptions for Care Leavers

23 October 2018
Practice Note published to help local authorities implement recent changes in law, giving young care leavers exemption from coun…

Care Visions logo

Why Not? receives charitable status

22 October 2018
A ground breaking project by the social care organisation, Care Visions, has received charitable status.

Children's commissioner for England logo

New report expresses concern over the number of babies at risk of ‘severe harm’

17 October 2018
The Children’s Commissioner’s Office for England published a report which examines the number of children living at home who are…

The Children in Scotland logo

25 Calls to change children’s lives for the better

11 October 2018
Children in Scotland is celebrating its 25th year creating a plan of action surrounding children’s rights and equality.

Nuffield Foundation logo

New report shows number of newborns taken into care in England

10 October 2018
A new study published has reported that the likelihood of newborn babies being involved in care proceedings has increased.