Our news helps everyone working with and for children in need of care and protection, their families and carers, and with care leavers, to keep up to speed with what's going on in the sector, here in Scotland, and further afield.
Scottish Government launches pre-Legislative Consultation on Financial Redress for Historical Child Abuse in Care
02 September 2019
Consultation open for survivors of historical abuse in care to shape statutory financial redress scheme for Scotland.

New research published on home Compulsory Supervision Orders
02 September 2019
New research has been published focusing on home Compulsory Supervision Orders (CSOs) in the Children's Hearings System.
Payments made to survivors of historical abuse in care
29 August 2019
More than 200 payments have been made to survivors of childhood abuse in care.

Children’s Commissioner for England publishes report highlighting homelessness
22 August 2019
Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield has published new research which highlights the thousands of children growing…

Children at risk of sexual exploitation
13 August 2019
Research from Cardiff University looking into the outcomes for children and young people assessed as being ‘at risk’ of sexual e…