Research published on role of solicitor in Children's Hearings
14 October 2016
CELCIS and the Scottish Legal Aid Board publish research on the role of solicitors in Children's Hearings.
An ‘ACE’ look at mental health
10 October 2016
Professor Michael Smith, Associate Medical Director, Mental Health, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde looks at childhood experiences…
The cost of being care free
03 October 2016
Report from the Children's Society highlights the impact of poor financial education and removal of support on care leavers.
Report on Social Work in Scotland
23 September 2016
Social work in Scotland is at a watershed and the public and service users must be more involved in shaping future provision.
New DVD launched to support looked after children at school
21 September 2016
A group of young people has launched a new guide for school staff and pupils in Aberdeenshire, on how they can support looked af…