Research in Practice

Edge of Care Cost Calculator tool being developed

12 December 2016
Research in Practice is inviting colleagues to take part in a project on edge of care services, running fromFebruary to July 201…

Celcis logo

Reach magazine special on permanence

01 December 2016
CELCIS’ flagship magazine, Reach, has just published its permanence focused edition. The magazine is packed full of stories and …

Celcis logo

New institute to shape brighter future for vulnerable children

23 November 2016
A new institute, based at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, will help to shape a brighter future for children who face d…

Celcis logo

‘Tis the season to be creative

17 November 2016
CELCIS launches its Christmas card competition for looked after children

The Scottish Government logo

Secondment opportunity at Scottish Government

17 November 2016
The Scottish Government has a vacancy for a two-year secondment in the Looked After Children Unit within Children and Families D…