The Scottish Government logo

Secondment opportunity at Scottish Government

17 November 2016
The Scottish Government has a vacancy for a two-year secondment in the Looked After Children Unit within Children and Families D…

Celcis logo

North east double triumph at Herald Society Awards

03 November 2016
Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire City Council and CELCIS win the Herald Society Young People’s Project of the Year Award for…

Life Changes Trust logo

Funding to help care experienced young people reach their potential

01 November 2016
Life Changes Trust launches awards supporting care experienced young people to think big about their future.

The CELCIS logo

New review to get it right for every looked after child

28 October 2016
First Minister confirms her commitment to an independent review of the care system to ensure Getting it Right for Looked After E…


What's your experience of adoption?

19 October 2016
Cal for evidence from everyone involved in adoption, especially social workers in BASW research study on the role of the social …