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Learning from Significant Case Reviews in Scotland 2015-2018

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Care Inspectorate
This report presents the findings of a review by the Care Inspectorate of 25 Serious Case Reviews (SCRs), conducted in Scotland over the thre…
Report Resource Icon

Review of findings from the inspection programme 2012-2017

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Residential care | Author: Care Inspectorate
The joint strategic inspection of services for children and young people.
Guidance Resource Icon

National Guidance for Child Protection Committees - Conducting a Significant Case Review

Year: 2015 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Scottish Government
Guidance for Child Protection Committees when conducting a Significant Case Review.
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Audit and Analysis of Significant Case Reviews

Year: 2012 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Sharon Vincent, Alison Petch
This report presents the findings from an audit and analysis of 56 Significant Case Reviews (SCRs) and 43 Initial Case Reviews (ICRs) conduct…
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