This page is for children and young people to learn more about how to get involved in CELCIS's research on voluntary care arrangements in Scotland. Thank you for your interest!
About this research
We'd like to find out about children and young people's views and experiences of voluntary care arrangements, which are sometimes called 'Section 25' arrangements.
Voluntary care arrangements are when parents agree with social workers that their child should live with somebody else who will take care of them. This could be a close family member, a family friend, or a foster carer.
We’re interested in how social workers talk to children and young people about voluntary care arrangements and how they are involved in making decisions about their care. We’re also interested the support that children and young people felt they needed and may have got at the time.
Please note, we have now completed our interviews and focus groups. Thank you to everyone who took part.
Need to speak to someone?
If you’re finding anything in your life hard at the moment and would like to talk to someone about it, or find out where to get help, you can ask for support from any one of these free services:
If you are 18 years old or younger, you can contact Childline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by phoning 0800 111, or visit www.childline.org.uk
Childline also offers a counsellor service online: https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/1-2-1-counsellor-chat/
Breathing Space, is a confidential phone and webchat service and available to anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 who needs someone to listen, offer advice, and provide information to them.
Visit www.breathingspace.scot anytime, or phone 0800 83 85 87 Monday-Thursday 6pm - 2am, and Friday-Monday 6pm - 6am.