Protecting Children
We believe that all children should have the very best start in life, the kind of start which provides all the love, care and support every child needs to develop and thrive. Every child should be kept safe, and protected from neglect, harm and abuse, and that everyone has a part to play when it comes to protecting children.
Collaborative and Partnership working
All of our protecting children work at CELCIS is embedded within the national Getting it right for every child approach, locating the protection of children and the management of need and risk firmly within a collaborative and partnership approach.
Alongside our partners, (including local authorities, government, health, scrutiny bodies, third sector, police, SCRA and others with a responsibility to ensure the safety and protection of children and young people), we are aiming to support the continued improvement of effective supports and services which provide children and families with the right kind of support for their individual needs, at the right time, and improve outcomes for all within the context of the Getting it right for every child approach.
Our role means that we work across policy, strategy, leadership and practice development using evidence, data and research to support the delivery of the best approaches to safeguarding children and young people in need of care and protection and ultimately improve outcomes for our most vulnerable children and young people.
Scottish Government's Child Protection Improvement Programme (CPIP)
The Protecting Children programme is making an important contribution to Scottish Government's CPIP, a programme of action that aims to build on and strengthen how we all protect children.
Our work includes:
- Coordination and delivery of the Scottish Government's National Child Protection Systems Review
- Delivery of an Addressing Neglect and Enhancing Wellbeing improvement programme in three local authority areas in Scotland
- Leading on the development of guidance for reviewers of Significant and initial Case Reviews
- Working with partners to develop, and analyse the results of, national self-evaluation surveys of local processes and practices (e.g. relating to Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Participation)
- Supporting and coordinating for CPCScotland and sub groups
- Membership of the National Child Protection Reference Group
- Membership of the National Child Protection Leadership Group
- Support and coordination of the National Child Sexual Exploitation Group
- Leading on the development of a minimum dataset for Child Protection Committees