
Permanence refers to a child’s permanent, loving, safe, and nurturing home, which provides them with emotional, physical and legal stability, where possible within a family setting and which continues into adulthood.

In Scotland, when children have needed support with regard to their care and protection, permanence can be achieved through four routes:

  • Returning or remaining at home where family functioning has improved
  • A permanence order for a child who is living in kinship care, foster care or residential care
  • A child living under a kinship care order (or ‘section 11 order’) where they are living with kinship carers
  • A child living with an adoptive family

History of CELCIS’s Permanence work

At the heart of all of our permanence work is our absolute focus on the needs of the child. We want to see an end to the unacceptably long waiting times that can be experienced by children. Our vision is that every child in Scotland in need of care and protection has a settled, secure and permanent place to live, quickly and with minimum disruption to their young lives.

Looking for more information or support?

Get in touch with the Permanence and Care team, they'd be delighted to hear from you.