Welcome to our Education Forum webpage! Here you’ll find more information about our Education Forum meetings, community, and resources.
What is the CELCIS Education Forum?
At CELCIS, we are privileged to convene and coordinate a free, open-access network of practitioners and leaders and anyone else who is involved or interested in the education of children with experience of care, and their families.
Collaboration is central to any work that will help us to continue to strive for equity of educational outcomes for care experienced people. Current data shows that educational experiences and outcomes are not as good as they are for all children. Our Forum provides a space to share practice around supports and structures which can help to narrow the gap that exists.
We encourage and facilitate opportunities for people to come together in a reflective, curious and enabling space. Welcoming members' specialist knowledge, wisdom and expertise of what works, and what could work better, we promote and enable collective progress to improve outcomes and experiences for care experienced children in education; from early years through to college and university.
How does the CELCIS Education Forum work?
Membership is free and open to anyone with an interest in this area of education. We have members who are students, foster carers, health visitors, teachers, and academics - so many different roles are represented.
Forum members receive regular newsletters about current education policy, research, and promising practice. In addition, CELCIS host three to four free online Forum sessions per year , based on requests from members, current developments or issues of special interest.
Why should I join the CELCIS Education Forum?
Collectively, Forum members are critical to shaping and influencing the work of CELCIS and contributing to and informing policy and legislation at a national level. In the past we have worked closely with Education Scotland to give feedback on the refreshed guidance of Included, Engaged and Involved, parts one and two and contributied to a suite of CELCIS consultation responses around educational reform and additional support needs. We actively seek opportunities to ensure that the voices of those working most directly with children and families with care experience are heard at both a local and national level.
Forum members tell us that the time and space to come together to think critically and creatively about what we need to be saying and doing differently in the every day is invaluable in making improvements for children.
What if I can't come to the online Forum sessions?
You're still a valuable member of the Forum! We understand that work commitments can make it challenging for people to attend some Forum events. We make all the content from our meetings, and newsletters publicly available here on our website to make sure that all members have access to the range of resources available. The CELCIS Education team is also very happy to speak to members about recent developments or areas of particular interest and encourage people to keep in touch with each other, and the CELCIS Education Team, in between events.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about the work of the CELCIS Education Forum, or the wider work of the CELCIS Education team please contact Linda O'Neill, Education Lead.
Sign up to join the CELCIS Education Forum
If you'd like to become a member of the Forum, sign up using the button below. We look forward to welcoming you soon.