Key areas of work

We believe in making positive, lasting differences for children and young people. To do that, the people, organisations and systems that touch their lives need to be properly supported and trained, and encouraged to gain a deep understanding of how making a difference really pays off.

Our highly experienced staff share their specialist knowledge and skills with a wide range of partners by delivering a unique package of services in numerous areas of expertise, including: permanence, throughcare and aftercare, education, health and wellbeing, historical abuse and international.

A father and daughter


Find out how we help develop systems which ensure that every looked after child in Scotland is quickly provided with a settled, secure and permanent place to…

A teenager sitting on some steps outside

Throughcare and aftercare

Leaving care is a huge life event for looked after young people. Find out how we're developing a new norm of ongoing support to help them take those big steps…

Historical abuse

Historical abuse

Our specialist skills are used to support survivors of abuse in residential care as well as service provideres and others to implement solutions that secure…

Two children smiing to camera


Children living in alternative care is a global concern and we are proud to participate in a two-way learning process with our colleagues in the international…

People entering data into computers

Driving data improvement

Data is an important resource that can give us insight into the wellbeing and experiences of children and young people in need of care and protection. It can…

A teacher helping a pupil


Research shows that education and skills development play a significant role in improving the life chances, health and wellbeing, and reducing inequalities, of…

Physical restraint in residential child care

Physical restraint in residential child care

The wellbeing and safety of children and young people in care is paramount. The use of restrictive practices conflicts with children’s rights, independence and…