Our work
At CELCIS we fully support the development of good practice and the sharing of knowledge. That practice, plus knowledge exchange, learning and professional development, are all critical factors in the movement towards sustained, positive change for the children who need it most.
However, when it comes to improving the lives, experiences, and outcomes of looked after and disadvantaged children, knowledge alone is just not enough to make that lasting change. For us, it must all sit alongside effective implementation.
In all of our work, CELCIS is completely committed to narrowing the implementation gap - the gap between what knowledge tell us to do, and what our day-to-day systems, structures and practices actually deliver for children.
CELCIS offers a unique package of services and specialist work, all of which is designed to help close that gap.
By working closely alongside the people, organisations and systems who are involved in the lives of vulnerable children, we hope one day to close that gap for good.
You can find out more about the areas we work across and the services we offer right here.

Our policy specialists help you understand legislation and implement effective policy frameworks for children and young people.
Visit Policy
Our advanced qualifications and learning opportunities build on the skills base of professionals working with looked after children and young people.
Visit Qualifications
Protecting Children
All children should have the very best start in life. Find out about the important contribution we're making to strengthen how we all protect children across Scotland.
Visit Protecting Children
Find out how we help develop systems which ensure that every looked after child in Scotland is quickly provided with a settled, secure and permanent place to live.
Visit Permanence
The stats for looked after children at school don't make good reading, but we're doing multi-agency work to build on children's rich capacities and aspirations to secure a brighter future.
Visit Education
Historical abuse
Our specialist skills are used to support survivors of abuse in residential care as well as service provideres and others to implement solutions that secure access to justice for survivors.
Visit Historical abuse
Our research, evidence and evaluation methods help you assess what works and what doesn't, allowing you to design and deliver better services.
Visit Research
Our highly skilled specialists deliver consultancy from all our areas of expertise for frontline staff, strategic leaders, teams and organisations.
Visit Consultancy
Throughcare & aftercare
Leaving care is a huge life event for looked after young people. See how we're developing a new norm of ongoing support to help them take those big steps successfully.
Visit Throughcare & aftercare
Health & wellbeing
To support traumatised children in the best possible way, we're working to encourage understanding and love, and aiming for long term good health and emotional strength.
Visit Health & wellbeing
Children living in alternative care is a global concern and we are proud to participate in a two-way learning process with our colleagues in the international childcare community.
Visit International