Scottish Government logo

Regulations under the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act come into force

29 November 2019
First milestone in the implementation of the Age of Criminal Responsibility Act as new regulations come into force

Barnardos Scotland logo

Access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

27 November 2019
Publication of the first in a series of reports highlighting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people with c…

Scottish Parliament logo

Call for improved mental health provision in secure care and young offenders’ facilities

27 November 2019
MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee are calling for better mental health support for young people ordered into e…

Celcis logo

CELCIS's online courses reach 100,000 joiners

21 November 2019
A series of online courses on child care, offered by CELCIS and the University of Strathclyde, have amassed a total of 100,000 p…

Scottish Government logo

Children's rights to be strengthened in Scotland

20 November 2019
Scotland will incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into law to the maximum extent possib…