Scottish Government will bring forward new laws to tackle child poverty

Getting to the root causes is essential

22 July 2016

Scottish Government has announced that it will focus on improving life chances for every child in Scotland by tackling the root causes of child poverty and inequality.

A new Child Poverty Bill will set out a fresh approach to addressing the key issues and provide a clear way forward in eradicating child poverty.

'...we must do all we can to tackle the inequality that still exists in 21st century Scotland.'
- First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon

The Bill will take into account income-based child poverty targets and consider the incomes of poor families as a priority, a different approach from the main objectives of the Child Poverty Act 2010.

Re-appointed Independent Poverty Advisor, Naomi Eisenstadt commented 'We need to stop the cycle of poverty and prevent the next generation of young people being born into poverty.'