19 September 2024

Progress report on Keeping The Promise to children, young people and families in Scotland

The Scottish Government published a report today (19 September) updating on the progress being made to achieve the ambitions of The Promise, with a focus on the work supported and funded by the Scottish Government to deliver The Promise by 2030.

The Scottish Government published an implementation plan on Keeping The Promise in March 2022, building on the development of The Promise Scotland and the conclusions the Independent Care Review in The Promise which aims to ensure that all children in Scotland grow up loved, safe and respected. This implementation plan set out key commitments in line with keeping families together through:

  • Providing support for whole families alongside support for children, young people and adults with care experience
  • Nurturing a good childhood for children and young people
  • Creating appropriate scaffolding
  • Building capacity

The progress report outlines the developments against these commitments, informs and complements the work of The Promise Scotland’s recently published Plan 2024-30, and sets out the work ahead. The Scottish Government’s Minister for Children, Young People, and Keeping The Promise, Natalie Don-Innes, said:

“Our commitment to The Promise is as strong today as it was in 2020 when we accepted in full all the recommendations of the Independent Care Review.

“Since then, we have taken strides in our work to keep The Promise and this report sets out clearly the scale of work and transformational change already undertaken to ensure all children in Scotland grow up loved, safe and respected.

“We know there is still much to do and such significant change takes time, but the Scottish Government will leave no stone unturned as we work with partners and stakeholders to ensure that the necessary transformation is in place by 2030.”

Director of CELCIS, Claire Burns, welcomed the update on progress to Keep The Promise which recognises local and national work across Scotland, including the work supported by CELCIS, and said:

"As we all work towards achieving the ambitions of The Promise, I welcome the update on progress reported by the Scottish Government today. We know what the challenges are and what it will take to achieve change for all our children, their families and the workforces who support them, and CELCIS will continue to work with the Scottish Government and local and national partners across Scotland to drive the improvements that are needed."

Read the progress report

Read the Scottish Government’s announcement of the progress report

More about The Promise Scotland

More about The Promise Scotland’s 2024-30 Plan