07 December 2017

New tool helps map a child’s journey the through care system

A new tool developed by CELCIS will help professional groups better navigate a child’s journey through the care system.

The journey a child takes once they enter the care system can, at times, be tricky. At CELCIS, we are keen to support children and families, social workers and other professionals to avoid such delays. We know all too well delays can be detrimental to a child's development.

Robert Porter, Research Associate at CELCIS, who helped develop the map commented:

"We all know that decision making about a child's future can be complicated. So we've come up with a tool, which guides people through the child's journey, helping them see possible outcomes at any stage of the process. The map is to be used however people want to, but we hope it will help them see the whole system together as a way of supporting better outcomes for children."

Look at the new tool