31 August 2016

Inspections of services for children and young people

A report into 12 joint inspections of children and young people carried out in the past two years has been published by the Care Inspectorate.

During the inspections, inspectors look at how outcomes for children and young people are improving in each local area and how well the various services work together. Inspectors also look at the impact on families and found they were getting help.

Two-thirds of the areas inspected were performing well in improving the outcomes and wellbeing for children and young people, and four areas were described as 'adequate'.

There's an expectation of a continued direction of travel towards prevention and early intervention.

Key messages from the report include:

  • The use of the wellbeing indicators is supporting the creation of a shared language and concepts around wellbeing and helping staff work together to identify where children and young people need additional help
  • Overall, services are responding well to concerns about children’s safety
  • Both assessment and planning for individual children have been strengthened although more work is required in some aspects to achieve consistently high performance. In almost all areas, there is a need to strengthen quality assurance
  • Transitions are not managed consistently well, particularly at the interface between children’s and adults services