13 March 2018

Annual report on Corporate Parenting Plan from SCRA

The Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) has published its first ever annual report for young people, detailing the achievements in the first year of its Corporate Parenting Plan against six commitments.

SCRA became a Corporate Parent on 1 April 2015 and have clear responsibilities in how they interact, work for and treat the children and young people that they are in contact with and their aim is to improve the Hearings system.

The report is very much designed and written with young people in mind. Some highlights include:

  • Creating a section on their Corporate Parenting website all about children's rights in the Hearings System
  • Training foster carers on children's rights in Hearings
  • Training every reporter in corporate parenting and how important it is to their role
  • Revampting five Hearings rooms with input from young people with experience of Hearings
  • Involving young people in the recruitment of Board Members, Reporters and other SCRA staff