Sign up to change care leavers lives
We’re campaigning for real and radical changes to the lives of our care leavers, some of the most vulnerable young people in Scotland.
Take a bold step and sign up to the Scottish Care Leavers Covenant.
Care leavers need all corporate parents and those involved in their lives to commit to the Covenant's principles and actions so they can get the bright future they deserve.
Calling all corporate parents
Sign up and incorporate the Covenant's principles and actions in your Corporate Parenting Plan. That way you can make sure you're meeting your responsibilities under Part 10 (Aftercare) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
Visit the Scottish Care leavers Covenant website
The Covenant was created by a cross-sector Alliance of stakeholders, including CELCIS, Barnardo’s Scotland, Who Cares? Scotland, Quarriers, Life Changes Trust, the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice, Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services, and the Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum.
Looking for support?
At CELCIS, we offer support to corporate parents to help you meet the duties and responsibilities in the Act.
Get in touch with our policy team; they'd be delighted to hear from you.