Welcome to SIRCC 2020 Online
We know the importance of intentionally and consistently using little or seemingly ordinary things to support healing and development in children and young people's lives over time, and inspired by a focus on the strong, positive roles we can provide for children in care, we are turning our focus to the power of the everyday.
How it works
We're bringing together updates, webinars, reflective points, practical resources, and so much more onto this page over two weeks starting from Tuesday 29 September. We'll do this in a flexible way that works for you.
We want to engage, inspire, and reflect with the residential child care community.
We'll be posting new content and offering online engagement daily, in short, bite size chunks - and all of it is FREE! There's no need to register, except for the webinars, discussion, and workshop. All content will be posted on this page.
Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to keep up to date with what's happening beforehand and to join in the discussions during the two weeks.
Welcome to SIRCC 2020 Online
Joanne McMeeking, Head of Improving Care Experiences at CELCIS, and John Ryan, Assistant Director at Aberlour Child Care Trust, co-chairs of the SIRCC Planning Group introduce SIRCC 2020 Online, giving a flavour of what to expect over the next two weeks, the thinking behind SIRCC 2020, the main themes and conversations, and opportunities to share, learn and network.
Welcome to week 2 of SIRCC 2020 Online
A short video explaining what to expect during week 2 of SIRCC 2020 Online.
The Extraordinary Ordinary
This video is a compilation of submissions from Kibble, Harmeny Education Trust and NetherJohnstone House, of pictures, audio, video and drawings submitted to the #ExtraordinaryOrdinary campaign, highlighting what residential child care has meant to young people and workers during the past few months.
A Conversation: All good things must come to an end
It may be the end of SIRCC 2020 Online, but we hope it is the beginning of many more conversations. Joanne McMeeking and John Ryan discuss highlights of discussions during the two weeks and look to the future.
More from SIRCC 2020 Online
Content from SIRCC 2020 Online will be added here as it becomes live. Dip into anything you've missed so far.