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Data linkage – what is it and what can it tell us about children's lives and experiences?


Join us for an insightful session exploring the power of data linkage and how it can enhance our understanding of children's lives. By combining information from diverse sources, data linkage offers a richer, more nuanced perspective on key social issues affecting children and families. In this webinar, we'll uncover how this approach can reveal hidden patterns and insights and also discuss the critical challenges and limitations associated with it. We will also hear about current efforts to improve how successfully Scotland’s data on children’s social care can be linked to other sources. 

When: 27 November, 1.30-2:30pm 

Where: MS Teams 

In this free session, Dr Joanna Soraghan, Data Analyst at CELCIS, will lead a presentation on the practicalities, benefits, and hurdles of linking data from multiple sources. We’ll examine issues such as data privacy, the complexities (and opportunities) of linking distinct data sources, and look at examples of existing research carried out through linkage of the data recorded in Scotland about children in need of care and protection. 

Joining us will be Craig Kellock from the Scottish Government’s Children and Families Data Analysis Unit, who will discuss the existing challenges that are faced in linking Scotland’s Children’s Social Work datasets, and Sian Robson, Senior Data Analyst at Research Data Scotland, who will provide an overview of the efforts currently in progress to overcome these. 

This will be followed by a Q&A session, where attendees can engage with our speakers and further explore this topic. 

Who should attend?

This webinar is ideal for professionals in the children’s services sector, researchers, data analysts, and anyone interested in the intersection of data and child welfare.

Why should you attend? 

This webinar will provide an opportunity to:  

  • Understand what data linkage is and how it can enhance research. 

  • Learn how data linkage can help us better understand children’s lives. 

  • Discuss the challenges and limitations of this approach. 

  • Hear updates on the latest progress in data linkage for Scotland’s Looked After Children and Child Protection datasets.  



The webinar will be recorded and resources, including the recording and slides, will be made available for free on the CELCIS website after the event.






Event details

When: Wednesday 27 November
Where: Online, MS Teams
Cost: Free
Time: 1.30 - 2.30pm

Contact Organiser

Amy Coull