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Data, child protection and care: what's behind the declining numbers in Scotland? 


About the webinar 

Join us for a thought-provoking session, Data, child protection and care: what's behind the declining numbers in Scotland? where Micky Anderson, CELCIS’s Data Lead and Dr Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist at CELCIS, will guide you through an analysis of Scotland’s data about child protection and ‘looked after’ children. 

When: 3 October from 2.00-3.15pm 

Where: MS Teams 

Over the last decade, Scotland has seen a 20% reduction in the number of children for whom concerns about their care and protection means their name is added to the child protection register or they need arrangements to be cared for away from home or with the support of social services. This statistic contrasts sharply with what we know about the ongoing challenges that many children and families are facing, including the pressure and impact of poverty and housing instability. 

In this free, online webinar Micky Anderson, CELCIS’s Data Lead, and Dr Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist at CELCIS, will present data from Scotland's child protection and ‘looked after’ children statistics, and offer insights into national trends, raising key questions about where further understanding is needed. 

In discussion with colleagues, Jacqueline Duffin, Child Protection Lead Officer in Aberdeenshire, Lindsey Anderson, Project Manager in Children’s social work services in Aberdeenshire Council, Rebecca Watson, Public Protection Performance & Assurance Lead in Dumfries and Galloway, and Chair of Scrutiny Groups for Child Protection, Adult Support and Protection and Violence Against Women and Girls, and Sarah McGarva, Locality Social Work Manager, CP/Permanence and Specialised Children and Young People, Dumfries and Galloway, local data and perspectives will also be shared. 

There will be space for questions. 

Why should you attend? 

This webinar is essential for those looking to: 

  • Understand the factors behind the decline in the numbers of child protection cases and children in care in Scotland. 

  • Explore data trends from both a national and local perspective around child protection and care. 

  • Hear what these trends might mean for children and families in Scotland. 

  • Have the opportunity to pose questions to the speakers.  





The session will be recorded, and resources, including the recording and slides, will be made available on the CELCIS website after the event.  






Event details

When: Thursday 3 October
Where: Online, MS Teams
Cost: Free
Time: 2.00 - 3.15pm

Contact Organiser

Amy Coull