A CELCIS Emerging Insights Series Webinar:
Reforming Children's Services: The role of data in transformational change
A year on from the publication of the Children’s Services Reform Research study’s Concluding Report, CELCIS has announced a new series of webinars to take a further look at what the study’s findings mean if Scotland is to achieve impactful, meaningful, change and how these themes have been developing. The first of these took place in December 2024.
Transformational change requires attention to resources, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. A key finding from the Children’s Services Reform Research was the need for transformational reform programmes to be underpinned by data and a theory of change. In creating and implementing change, why are these important? How can data play a key role in informing real transformation in children’s services?
In this online webinar we were joined by the study’s researchers Micky Anderson and Dr Alex McTier who talked us through the findings from the study and explored these questions as we looked together at how services and decision-makers are, and can, use and apply information to drive the improvements in outcomes for children and their families.
This webinar offered attendees the opportunity to gain insights into the themes and findings of the Children’s Services Reform Research study to understand the significance of these for efforts to reform services, and to explore where we are now and what it takes to make change happen to provide the essential learning needed for progressing improvements to make transformational and meaningful change in children’s services.
This webinar is ideal for anyone with a role and interest in public service reform, improving public services and supporting children, young people and families and public service reform. This includes:
- National and local policy- and decision-makers
- Local service commissioners
- Service managers responsible for shaping and delivering key services
- Practitioners in social care, health, and education
- Parents and carers
- We welcome participants from Scotland, the rest of the UK, and beyond
If you have any questions for the organisers, please get in touch with us at celcis.learning@strath.ac.uk
Download the webinar transcript
Download the slides from CELCIS
Read the Children's Services Reform Research reports here
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