A CELCIS Emerging Insights Series Webinar:
Child Protection and Domestic Abuse: What new research tells us about thinking and doing things differently
In this webinar we heard from Professor Brigid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield, and Professor Kate Morris, University of Sheffield where we explored new work to inform and advance responses to those who are being harmed and those who harm, to help and support children and their families.
The webinar put a spotlight on the Rethinking Domestic abuse in child protection: responding differently (RDAC) research project, which has brought together a team of researchers, domestic abuse specialists and experts in supporting policy and practice change.
The speakers shared how the project offers a unique opportunity to co-produce practice frameworks that engage with family members with a focus on their parenting and caring roles and will share some of their case study experiences across sites in England and Scotland.
The webinar and resources will provide the opportunity to:
- Access new thinking, research, insight and perspectives on emerging issues.
- Think, learn, engage and ask question with staff and practitioners responsible for children's protection and care
- Learn about emerging issues and insight with the opportunity to pursue further reading and engagement through existing published resources
Wellbeing Support
Given the focus of this webinar, what is shared and discussed may be upsetting, so please take time out if you need to during the webinar and afterwards.
Trauma can affect us all. Please take the opportunity to turn your camera off at any time during the webinar or step away. If you need to speak to someone about how you are feeling, connect with someone you feel comfortable talking to or you can speak to people in confidence at Samaritans by calling 116 123 or Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87.
If you are a survivor of abuse, further information and support can be found here.
If you are worried that a child or young person may be at risk of harm, there are steps you can take to share this information. Guidance can be found at the following link: CELCIS Knowledge Bank | Worried About a Child or Young Person.
Download the webinar transcript
Selected references
- Rethinking domestic abuse in child protection: responding differently - Nuffield Foundation
- Featherstone, B, Gupta, A., Morris, K. and White, S. (2018) Protecting Children: A Social Model, Bristol, Policy Press
- Featherstone, B., Gupta, A. and Morris, K. (2021) ‘Post- pandemic: moving on from ‘child protection’’, Critical and Radical Social Work. 9, 2, p. 151-165
- Featherstone, B (forthcoming) ‘Can we go on? Child protection in a broken place’, Families, Relationships and Societies ( copy available on request from b.m.featherstone@hud.ac.uk)
- Ferguson, G., Featherstone, B. and Morris, K (2019) ‘Framed to fit? Challenging the domestic abuse story in Child Protection’, Critical and Radical Social Work, 8(1), pp.25-40.
- Day, A. and Gill, A (2020). Applying intersectionality to partnerships between women’s organizatons and the criminal justice system in relation to domestic violence, British Journal of Criminology , 60, 830–85
- Mennicke, A (2019) ‘Typology of Intimate Partner Violence: Intersections of Violence and Control Within Relationships’,Violence Against Women, Vol. 25(4) 379 –400
- Sen, R., Morris, K., Burford, G., Featherstone, B. and Webb, C. (2018) ‘When you’re sitting in the room with two people one of whom … has bashed the hell out of the other’: possibilities and challenges in the use of FGCs and restorative practice following domestic violence’, Children and Youth Services Review, 88: 441–449. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.03.027
- Skafida V, Morrison F, Devaney J (2021) Prevalence and Social Inequality in Experiences of Domestic Abuse Among Mothers of Young Children: A Study Using National Survey Data from Scotland; Journal of Interpersonal Violence
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