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Webinars from the CELCIS Emerging Insights Series

The CELCIS Emerging Insights Series is a series of free, live, online webinars in which leaders from the sector share insight, evidence and perspectives about the current critical issues, risks, challenges and learning in child protection. Learn about upcoming webinars and find recordings of previous webinars here.


Upcoming webinars:

EI Webinar June 2024 Upcoming webinars.png

Recorded webinars from the Emerging Insights series

Previous webinars from this series can be viewed here, with transcripts and other relevant information and links.


Supporting the shared responsibility to identify and respond to child criminal exploitation now

Supporting the shared responsibility to identify and respond to child criminal exploitation now

This webinar provided an opportunity to highlight some of the complex challenges around multi-agency partnerships being able to identify and respond to the criminal exploitation of children and how to bring together existing knowledge, policy and legislation to better support ways to meet the…

Emerging insights: the connection between poverty, inequality and child protection

What does the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and current cost-of-living crisis tell us about the connections between poverty, inequality and child protection?

In this CPD accredited webinar we heard from Anna Gupta, Professor of Social Work at Royal Holloway University of London, John McKendrick, Professor of Social Justice at Glasgow Caledonian University and co-director of the Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit and Lisa Bunting, Professor of…

Emerging insights webinar: child protection and domestic abuse

Child Protection and Domestic Abuse: What new research tells us about thinking and doing things differently

In this CPD accredited webinar we heard from Professor Brigid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield, and Professor Kate Morris, University of Sheffield where we explored new work to inform and advance responses to those who are being harmed and those who harm, to help and support children and…

Emerging insights webinar: Hidden in plain sight

Hidden in Plain Sight - Solutions to Protecting Teenagers from Exploitation and Harm

In this CPD accredited recorded webinar, we heard from Anne Longfield CBE, Chair of the Commission on Young Lives, which reported in England last November with a national action plan and recommendations to support vulnerable teenagers to succeed and to protect them from adversity, exploitation and…

Independent inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

What we heard from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales.

In this CPD accredited recorded webinar, Professor Alexis Jay, Sabah Kaiser and John O’Brien from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales report on the importance of survivor voice, learning from the Inquiry and the path to key recommendations.