CELCIS Education Forum Webinar November 2021

At our latest Education Forum meeting we were delighted to welcome Jacqueline Cassidy, Director for Scotland for the the charity Place2Be. Jacqueline explained the mission of the charity, which is to support children and young people's mental health and well-being in their schools, families and communities. Place2Be's early intervention approach involves supporting children, parents and carers as well as teachers and support staff.

During the meeting, we spent some time in breakout rooms to discuss challenges we face in our daily lives when talking about care experience, in particular the following questions:

  • Do we need targeted mental health support for care experienced children and young people?
  • What role should schools play and what do they need to fulfill that role?
  • What are the gaps in current early intervention and prevention services for children and young people?
  • What’s your vision for mental health supports for care experienced pupils?


Read the webinar transcript

View the Place2Be presentation

Read the Breakout Room comments 

Case Study

Response by CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s consultation on developing a universal definition of ‘care experience’

Our response is underpinned by research evidence, practice experience, and extensive insight and intelligence from people with lived experience and from professional practice. This has been gathered through our long-stan…