CELCIS Education Forum March 2022

Using the Secure Care Pathway and Standards to improve educational outcomes for children

The latest CELCIS Education Forum was held online on Wednesday 30 March on the theme of using Scotland's Secure Care Pathway and Standards to improve educational outcomes for children and young people.

We are delighted to welcome our speakers:

Our speakers offered insights into the Secure Care Pathway and Standards, which set out what all children in or on the edges of secure care in Scotland should expect across the continuum of intensive supports and services, and provide a framework for ensuring the rights of children are respected. 

Attendees heard how the Standards have been developed and implemented. We had have an opportunity to share the challenges faced, and to think and discuss together about what we can do to make a difference to educational outcomes for children in, or on the edges of secure care, by applying the Standards.


Download the webinar transcript


About the Education Forum

At CELCIS, we are privileged to convene and coordinate a free, open-access network of practitioners and leaders who are involved or interested in the education of children with experience of care, and their families. We encourage and facilitate opportunities for practitioners to come together in a reflective, challenging and enabling space.

Membership is free and open to anyone with an interest in this area of education. We have members who are students, foster carers, health visitors, teachers and academics - so many different roles are represented.