Implementing corporate parenting duties
The range of different corporate parents named in schedule 4 of the Act means that implementing the corporate parenting duties will look quite different from one corporate parent to the next.
We know there are many significant changes to understand and take action on. We're here to help and support you:
- We've produced a series of implementation notes to support the implementation of Part 9 of the Act.
- We're hosting 4 workshops in April and May to talk through implementing the duties. Watch this space for updated information and resources.
Effective implementation
Effective implementation of legislation requires leadership, planning, commitment, good communication and hard work. These papers provide advice, ideas and general good practice in order to help you fulfill and implement your duties.
We recommend all corporate parents read these papers. In particular, staff involved in developing and implementing (as opposed to delivery of) processes and systems to facilitate compliance, including: the Chief Officer of the organisation, the Chair of the Board (or equivalent, such as Leader of the Council) and directors of all affected departments and services.
Six implementation notes:

Implementing Part 9
A six-step process to ensure you have effective implementation elements in place, and that you're in a position to implement these duties in the spirit and to the letter of the law.
Read Note 1
To be alert and assess
Understand how you might be alert to matters which adversely impact looked after children and assess their needs in the context of your organisation. Also, learn about the statutory concept of wellbeing.
Read Note 2
Learn about your duty to collaborate as well as different types of collaboration and how to make collaboration most effective for your organisation and for looked after children and care leavers.
Read Note 3
Planning and reporting
Understand the duties to publish and review your corporate parenting plans and to report on how you have exercised your responsibilities. You'll learn about formulating successful plans and find guidance about reporting.
Read Note 4
Promote, opportunities, access
Find out how you can meet your responsibility to promote the interests of looked after children and care leavers and to provide accessible opportunities for them to participate in activities to promote their wellbeing.
Read Note 5
Your organisation must keep the exercise of its corporate parenting duties under review and take steps to improve what you do. Learn about how you and your organisation can evaluate your performance and identify improvements for the future.
Read Note 6Useful resources
Facts and figures to establish baseline data and assess needs
- Scottish Government: Children's Social Work Statistics
- Scottish Government: Education Outcomes of Scotland's Looked After Children
- Scottish Children's Reporter Administration: Annual Reports
- Skills Development Scotland: School Leaver Destinations
Who are corporate parents?
All corporate parents have a significant contribution to make; working with each other to make a real difference in the lives and life chances of children and young people in their care.
Use our contact directory to find out who the other corporate parents are and contact them to explore ideas for collaboration.
Looking for support?
We offer support to public bodies to help them meet the new duties and responsibilities in the Act. Get in touch with our policy team; they'll be delighted to hear from you.