The Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care
Instructions for Authors
We have an open call for articles on all topics related to residential child care.
We also plan specific themed issues.
Read our statement of aim and scope and look at articles we have previously published. If you need advice, email us at with an outline of the article you have in mind. Tell us what kind of article it is, e.g. original research paper (for double-blind peer review), short article (for single peer review), book review etc.
We are committed to the use of inclusive and non-stigmatising language in all our journal content. As a Scotland-based Journal we are particularly influenced in this by The Promise, and by the Each and Every Child initiative. We recognise that language evolves, that terms used historically may not be appropriate for modern audiences, and that usages may differ internationally. As part of our editorial process, from March 2023 we will endeavour to draw authors' attention to any potentially problematic terms or phrases, and where appropriate suggest alternatives, with a view to mutual agreement on any changes. We encourage authors and readers to alert us to any instances in which we get this wrong, in order that we may learn from errors.
Please download the submission pack. It is essential that authors follow the requirements for writing style and referencing specified in the 'Guidelines for Contributors'. Articles which do not conform to the journal's style guide will be returned for revision. Please use the article template, write in English with UK/Irish spellings, and use APA7 referencing style. Remember that all articles must be capable of being understood by an international audience. Scottish-based authors should not assume readers will be familiar with Scottish policy and law. Articles submitted must be accompanied by a completed submission form. Articles for peer-review should have authors' names and affiliations on a title page saved in a separate file from the article.
Publisher: CELCIS
ISSN: 2976-9353 (Online)
Published from: 2002
Frequency: Two issues per volume (spring and autumn)