Exploring the role of performance indicators in residential child care |
Russell Sutherland |
2007 |
Playing it safe: practitioner review |
Natasha Robinson |
2007 |
A visit to Lahore |
Andrew Hosie |
2007 |
Participation in residential child care in Germany |
Bernhard Babic and Liane Pluto |
2007 |
Editorial Volume 6.2 |
Irene Stevens |
2007 |
‘We’re here tae mak a difference’ |
Jeremy Miller, John, Kimberley, William, Julieann, Fraser and Alexander (The Group) |
2007 |
Residential child care: prospects and challenges, Andrew Kendrick, Editor |
Irene Stevens |
2007 |
The story of Matthew: an ecological approach to assessment |
Chris Walter |
2007 |
Hard to know what to do: How residential child care workers experience the mental health needs of young people |
Judy Furnivall |
2007 |
Teaching lifespace working by using the lifespace in teaching |
Fiona Feilberg |
2007 |
Young people’s participation in the recruitment and selection process for secure care staff |
Kirsten McManus |
2007 |
Editorial Volume 6.1 |
Steven Paterson |
2007 |
An equality perspective on residential child care |
Niall Hanlon |
2007 |
Residential child care: collaborative practice |
Charles Sharpe |
2007 |
Families: difficult to speak about? |
Tarja Pösö |
2007 |
Working in partnership with parents: the Triangular connection |
Mayaan Burnstein |
2006 |
Seeking refuge: findings from an evaluation of the ‘Running – Other Choices’ refuge |
Margaret Malloch |
2006 |
The 24 / 7 approach to improving outcomes for children affected by chronic trauma and dissociation |
Richard Cross |
2006 |
Editorial volume 5.2 |
Deirdre Watson |
2006 |
Holistic Special Education |
Camphill Principles and Practice Reviewed by Jeremy Millar |
2006 |
Bilingualism: the two languages of young people in care |
Kim Snow |
2006 |
The need for national leadership, partnerships and programmes to promote the health and well-being of looked after children in Scotland |
Steven McCluskey |
2006 |
Professionally packaging your power in the supervisory relationship |
Frank Delano and Jill Shah |
2006 |
Editorial volume 5.1 |
Irene Stevens |
2006 |
Securing safer care staff: a model for the assessment, selection and training of staff to work in residential care |
John Watson, Janice Gould, Gerry Sullivan and Jayne Cockerill |
2006 |
London Facing Forward : Residential Child Care in the 21st Century |
Adrian Ward |
2006 |
Improving outcomes for care leavers : evaluating a care leaver’s assessment of need tool |
Wendy Harrington |
2006 |
The National Care Standards: hearing the voices of young people in residential care |
Irene Stevens and Pauline Boyce |
2006 |
The Homes from Hell? Media Perceptions of Residential Child Care |
Anne Clackson et al |
2006 |
Residential child care and the psychodynamic approach; is it time to try again? |
Charles Sharpe |
2006 |
The participation of children and young people in the recruitment of residential child care staff in Scotland |
Helen Kay and Irene Stevens |
2006 |
Three strong women: from care to university |
lan Milligan |
2005 |
Two days in Carberry |
Laura Steckley, Max Smart |
2005 |
Editorial Volume 4.2 |
Sandy Cameron |
2005 |
Creating a safe place to sleep: an analysis of night care staff interventions to reduce evening and night-time disturbance in a residential care unit |
Margaret Conlon |
2005 |
Creating stimulating environments for young people in residential care: the Israeli youth village ‘ecological’ model |
Emmanuel Grupper |
2005 |
Looking after children without parents and encouraging their social integration: a Latvian perspective |
Inese Jurgena, Zigurds Mikainis |
2005 |
The good goodbye: Helping children through transitions using storytelling |
Claire McNicol, Ruth Kirkpatrick |
2005 |
Leaving Care: Throughcare and Aftercare in Scotland |
Jo Dixon, Mike Stein |
2005 |
Saving the Child in Victorian Dundee |
Crissie Urquhart |
2005 |
Scottish Anti-Poverty Policy and Looked After Young People |
Peter Kelly |
2005 |
Editorial Volume 4.1 |
Irene Stevens |
2005 |
'A Different Way to Look at Things': The Development of Consultancy in a Residential Service for Children and Young People |
Andrew Kendrick |
2005 |
Good Enough Care? Looking After Sexually Abused Young People in Residential Settings |
Autumn Roesch-Marsh |
2005 |
Childhoods: Experiencing an International Conference |
Irene Stevens and Laura Steckley |
2005 |
The General Health, Social Networks and Lifestyle Behaviours of Young People Looked After by Local Authorities in Scotland |
Howard Meltzer and Deborah Lader |
2005 |
'Nae too bad': Job Satisfaction and Staff Morale in Scottish Residential Child Care |
Andrew Kendrick, Ian Milligan and Ghizala Avan |
2005 |
Programmes & Praxis: A Review of Taken-for-Granted Knowledge |
Leon Fulcher |
2004 |
A Qualitative Study of Support for Young People who Self-Harm in Residential Care in Glasgow |
Judith Piggot, Charlotte Williams, Stephen McLeod, Joanne Barton |
2004 |
Residential Special Schooling: The Inclusive Option! |
Robin Jackson |
2004 |
Scottish Health Network: Promoting the Health and Well-Being of Children and Young People in and Leaving Care |
Steven McCluskey, Elaine Greaves and Carole Kean |
2001 |
Creating a Place for Us: An Overview of FICE Young People’s Event |
Irene Stevens |
2004 |
The Experiences of Children and Young People with Complex Needs Being Cared For Away from Home: A Cross Border Study |
Kirsten Stalker, Charlotte MacDonald, Rena Phillips, John Carpenter |
2004 |
The Mental Health of Young People Looked After by Local Authorities in Scotland |
Howard Meltzer, Deborah Lader |
2004 |
The Looking After Children in Scotland Materials |
Jane Scott and Malcolm Hill |
2004 |
Let's Face It! Young People Tell Us How It Is |
Deirdre Watson |
2004 |
Meaning-Making and Intervention in Child and Youth Care Practice |
Thom Garfat |
2004 |
Residential Child Care in the Spotlight: Reflections on being Involved in the BBC Series |
Graham McPheat |
2004 |
An Introduction to Camphill Communities and the BA in Curative Education |
Norma Hart, Angelika Monteux |
2004 |
Editorial Volume 3.1 |
Jennifer Davidson |
2004 |
Celebrate to Care? |
Janine Gorman |
2004 |
Early Institutional Provision in Scotland for Disabled Children |
Iain Hutchison |
2004 |
Forgotten Children |
Judy Furnivall |
2004 |
Promoting the Spiritual Wellbeing of Children and Young People with Special Needs |
Robin Jackson, Angelika Monteux |
2003 |
Exploring the Perceptions of Young People in Care and Care Leavers of their Health Needs |
Julie Ridley, Steven McCluskey |
2003 |
Development of a Model of Behaviour Analysis in a Residential Service for Children with Autism |
Lindsay Barrie, Vivienne Richardson |
2003 |
Role of a Residential Placement in Preparing Children for Placement with a Foster Family |
Cliona Murphy |
2003 |
Searching for the Holy Grail – Excellent Staff and Carers who Work with Children |
Kate Skinner |
2003 |
7th EUSARF International Congess, 2002 |
Kirstie Maclean |
2003 |
Who Cares? Scotland: 25 Years and Still Moving Forward |
Deirdre Watson |
2003 |
Value of Resilience as a Concept for Practice in Residential Settings |
Brigid Daniel |
2003 |
Editorial Volume 2.1 |
Andrew Kendrick |
2003 |
Two and a Half Cheers for the National Care Standards |
Kirstie Maclean |
2002 |
Understanding the Resident Group |
Ruth Emond |
2002 |
What Works in Residential Care: Making it Work |
Lesley Archer |
2002 |
Editorial Volume 1.1 |
Andrew Kendrick |
2002 |
Back to the Future: ‘Positive Residential Practice: Learning the Lessons of the 1990s’ and ‘Champions for Children: The Lives of Modern Child Care Pioneers’ |
Ian Milligan |
2002 |
Catching Children as They Fall: Mental Health Promotion in Residential Child Care in East Dunbartonshire |
Michael van Beinum, Andy Martin and Chris Bonnett |
2002 |
Looking After Health: A Joint Working Approach to Improving the Health Outcomes of Looked After and Accommodated Children and Young People |
Anne Grant, John Ennis and Fiona Stuart |
2002 |
Close Enough? Professional Closeness and Safe Caring |
Andrew Kendrick and Mark Smith |
2002 |
A Children’s Champion for Scotland |
Susan Elsley |
2002 |
Editorial volume 2.2 |
Kirstie Maclean |
2003 |
Learning with Care Training Materials |
Judy Furnivall, Barbara Hudson |
2003 |
Developing Quality Indicators for Learning with Care |
Graham Connelly |
2003 |
A Commitment to Care: Residential Child Care Work in England |
Amanda Mainey |
2003 |
Care to Learn? The Educational Experiences of Children and Young People Who Are Looked After |
Alison Ritchie, Elizabeth Morrison and Steven Paterson |
2003 |
Young People in Residential Care Talk about Peer Violence |
Christine Barter |
2003 |
Leaving Care in Scotland: The Residential Experience |
Jo Dixon and Mike Stein |
2003 |
Nurturing Group Work in a Children’s Home |
Maggie Bell, Helen Fay, Debbie Ramsden and Shirley Morgan |
2003 |
Editorial |
Graham Connelly |
2021 |
Moving towards organisational resilience: A practical application of the ‘Whole System Approach’ in the secure care sector |
Kevin Pollock & James Gillespie |
2021 |
A critical analysis of the recent developments in alternative care space across South Asia amidst the Covid-19 crisis |
Kiran Modi, Gurneet Kalra, Leena Prasad, Rajeshwari Narsimha, Jyoti Singh |
2021 |
An exploration of distance and home when looked after: Views of young people |
Carrie F Mclaughlan |
2021 |
Life after residential care; A narrative life-course case study |
Amanda Keller |
2021 |
Developing philosophical discussions with children and young people in residential care homes |
Terje Jostein Halvorsen |
2021 |
Voices of young women leaving care: “I did not have anywhere to go…so I went with a man” |
Petra Roberts |
2021 |
A personal reflection: In for the long haul |
Frank Ainsworth |
2021 |
Reflections on lifespace intervention in social work |
Kathy Grant |
2021 |
Why engaging on children rights internationally matters at the local level 2021 Days of General Discussion on Children’s Rights and Alternative Care |
Miriana Giraldi |
2021 |