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Title Authors Year
Change and Continuity: Caring for Children and Young People Carole Wilkinson 2018
Ambiguous Loss Nina Vaswani 2018
Gender and restraint training. Why are all the trainers men and why might this really matter? Brodie Paterson, Bryan Shewry, Patrick Bradley and Vaughan Bowie 2018
Mind the Gap: Factors that can support responses to offending in residential child care and the challenges of implementation Deborah Nolan and Joe Gibb 2018
Book reviews: can I share this with you? Dr Leanne McIver 2018
It’s not just about the adults! Judy Furnivall 2018
Right from the Start: Investing in parents and babies Mike Findlay 2018
At Kibble we aim to help our most vulnerable young people go on to have fulfilling adult lives Jim Gillespie 2018
Age limits and eligibility conditions for care, extended care and leaving care support for young people in care and care leavers: The case for cross-national analysis Robbie Gilligan 2018
Poly-theorism in the field of residential child care Terje Halvorsen 2018
Is it love? A study of young people’s personal impressions and experiences of relationships in residential care in a Norwegian treatment collective. Arvid Lone, Erik Paulsen 2018
Be Bully Free Brian Donnelly 2018
Family based care as an alternative care option Anuja Bansal 2018
Scotland's Looked After Children: best educated in class, or do they need a ‘Hole in the Wall’? Paul Lee Alan 2018
Corporate Parenting in the Classroom Bruce Adamson 2018
Pakistan: Working cross-culturally using an ACEs and Trauma framework. Is it possible? Lisa Cherry 2018
A relational approach helps change teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusion of young people who are looked after David Woodier 2018
Create Space for Collaboration: can we help each other participate in participation? Paul Sullivan 2018
Improving child care in India through the development of the Questionnaire to Assess Needs of Children in Care (QANCC) Kiran Modi, Emaya Anbalagan, Radhika Shroff, Nidhi Singhal 2018
Editorial Joanne McMeeking 2018
Editorial Graham Connelly 2018
Hiding in Plain Sight: Exploring Scotland’s ill health Mike Findlay 2018
Caring for a child who has been sexually exploited Estelle Carmichael 2018
The 15th Kilbrandon Lecture (University of Strathclyde, 23 November 2017) The Right Honourable Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland 2018
The orphanage industry: Flourishing when it should be dying Nigel Cantwell, Emmanuelle Werner Gillioz 2018
Toronto’s First Street Kids and the Origins of Child Welfare Systems in Canada Part 2: Later years Ted Dunlop 2018
Tribute – Brian Gannon 1939 - 2017 Merle Allsopp 2018
Rolling out RESuLT: Facilitators' Experiences Delivering a First of its kind Evidence Based Intervention Training for Residential Workers Lisa Armitage 2018
Listening to Young Children: a Guide to Understanding and Using the Mosaic Approach Richard Withington 2018
Now and then: Reflections on practice Jean Cran, Irene Stevens 2018
Everyday Parenting with Security and Love: Using PACE to Provide Foundations for Attachment Lorraine Sillars 2018
Lord Kilbrandon – my grandfather Heather Shaw 2018
Assisting Youth Leaving Care: Understanding Udayan Care’s Aftercare Programme through the Prism of Ecological Systems Theory Kiran Modi, Archana Prasad, Jyoti Mishra 2018
Enduring Wisdom: Towards a Comprehensive History of Professional Child and Youth Care James Anglin, Larry Brendtro 2017
Successful intervention for young men who have harmed sexually: a fifty year journey to establishing an outstanding residential service Peter Clarke, Sue Brock-Holinshead 2017
Obituary - Roy Parker 1931 – 2017 Sonia Jackson 2017
Why ‘Historic’ Abuse? Experiences of Children Reporting Abuse Historically Samina Karim 2017
Editorial Alan Macquarrie 2017
Toronto’s First Street Kids and the Origins of Child Welfare Systems in Canada Part 1: the early Years Ted Dunlop 2017
Residential child care in Scotland: Themes for practice since Another Kind of Home Angus Skinner 2017
Reasons for rescuing orphans, destitute, neglected or imperilled children: analysis of the work of the Waifs and Strays Society in the late nineteenth century Annie Skinner 2017
Children’s Homes: A History of Institutional Care for Britain’s Young Ben Quail 2017
Some Early Economic Threads in the History of Children’s Homes Roy Parker 2017
Inspiring and Creative Ideas For Working with Children, How to Build Relationships and Enable Change Linda O'Neill 2017
Doing Relationship-based Social Work, A Practical Guide to Building Relationships and Enabling Change Jimmy Paul 2017
An evaluation of housing outcomes from a support program for young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Victoria, Australia Philip Mendes, Jade Purtell 2017
Examining the complexity of Placement Stability in Residential Out of Home Care in Australia: How important is it for facilitating good outcomes for young people? Jenna Bollinger 2017
Physical health and lifestyle choices of vulnerable young males with severe emotional and behaviour difficulties in a residential setting over 24 weeks Denise Carroll, T. Duffy, C. R. Martin 2017
Editorial Graham Connelly 2017
Child Rights Imperatives for Children in Alternative Care Hiranthi Wijemanne 2017
Stigma in Childhood: Let’s Speak Out Loud Fouzi Mathey Kikadidi 2017
The Duality of the Corporate Parenting Role: A Delicate Balancing Act Kristina Moodie, Debbie Nolan 2017
Staying Put & Continuing Care: The Implementation Challenge Kenny McGhee 2017
The Care Leavers Annual Lecture 2016 Jimmy Paul 2017
Entering Norwegian Treatment Collectives. Arvid Lone with Erik Paulsen 2017
The Kilbrandon Lecture Professor Guy Standing 2017
The case for raising the school starting age and providing what the under-sevens really need Kate Wall 2017
Managing difficult behaviour How to improve relationships Erica Barr 2017
The Trouble with Trauma Howard Bath 2017
Editorial Dr Graham Connelly 2017
Tangible Trauma Informed Care Daniel Johnson 2017
Appropriate and inappropriate relationships: David’s story Nicola 2016
Children's Quest for love and professional child protection work: The case of Norway Cecilie Basberg Neumann 2016
Do you love me: An empirical analysis of the feeling of love amongst children in out-of-home care Mette Lausten and Signe Frederiksen 2016
Cultivating human beings not human doings: Challenging discourses of self-care Nicole Little 2016
Ethics of care: Critical advances in international perspectives Richard Ingram 2016
Orphan love in the age of capital Hans Skott-Myhre et al 2016
Social care and child welfare in Ireland: Integrating residential care leaving care and aftercare Thom Garfat 2016
More than just a bracelet: The use of material symbolism to communicate love Ruth Edmond 2016
The umbrella of boundaries love and grief Michelle Chalupa 2016
Love in social care: Necessary pre-requisite or blurring of boundaries John Byrne 2016
The growth of love Keith White 2016
Daring greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live love parent and lead Chris Walter 2016
Perspectives on love as a component of professional practice Jennifer Vincent 2016
Love: Recognising relationships in work with vulnerable youth Hilde Marie Thrana 2016
Aroha: Loving within a statutory and bi-cultural residential environment Andrew Sutherland 2016
Editorial Volume 15.3 Mark Smith 2016
Faith hope and love in social work practice Hannah Ravdale 2016
Fostering Restoration: The impact of love and second families in residential care Rose Ann Obenque 2016
Making a difference: Enhancing care experiences and post-care outcomes in Scotland with the development of a 'growth mindset' Alan, Paul Lee 2016
The challenges of applying principles of relational practice in child friendly spaces in humanitarian emergencies David K.Sezikeye 2016
The process of deinstitutionalisation and development of residential care in Bulgaria Mariela Todorova-Koleva 2016
Residential Child Care in England Jonathan Stanley 2016
Innovation and impact in residential services Janice Nicholson 2016
Evaluation of a short training programme for foster carers Sinead Braiden 2016
Stories and their value: Exploring the role of storytelling in social care practice Lavinia McLean and Emmett Tuite 2016
You tell me what we can do after this: Findings and recommendations for the participation of young people with learning disabilities Charlotte Wilson 2016
Editorial Volume 15.2 Laura Steckley 2016
A guide to therapeutic child care: what you need to know to create a healing home Joanna McCreadie 2016
Educating children and young people in care: Learning placements and caring schools Iain Matheson and Lisa Lee 2016
Positive images – positive effect: activities for young people and positive results Aileen Nicol 2016
Efficacy of family-based care as compared to institutional care: A careful review K. Bhuvaneswari and Sibnath Deb 2016
An approach to re-designing leaving care interactions Gayle Rice 2016
An ethics committee in the third sector: Process and pitfalls Ruby Whitelaw and Dan Johnson 2016
Bridging the gap: United World College students’ initiatives in work with refugees Katja della Liberia, Ramita Ratsathanuwati and Everdina Vermaat 2016
A safe future? Finding a way forward for the secure care sector in Scotland Alison Gough 2016
From residential unit to permanent foster care: Reflections on one child’s journey towards legal permanence in Scotland Aileen Nicol 2016
Addressing challenges of transition from children’s home to independence Kiran Modi, Monisha Nayar-Akhtar, Sumedha Ariely and Deepak Gupta 2016
Surviving research on sensitive topics with young offenders Nazirah Hassan 2016