Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 19 No 2

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Originally planned to coincide with the 21st Scottish Institute of Residential Child Care conference, the June 2020 issue of SJRCC centres on the theme, ‘the extraordinary ordinary: the power of everyday care’. We present a mix of peer-reviewed articles, themed articles, book reviews, and a poem, with accounts from Scotland, Wales and England, the Republic of Ireland, India, and Sierra Leone. This themed issue includes perspectives on what home and belonging mean to young people in care and why successful care lies in the values and motivations to those who care for them.

You can also download your full copy of the Journal online.



Title Authors
Editorial Graham Connelly

Peer reviewed articles

Title Authors
The Deinstitutionalisation Debate in India Sheila Ramaswamy and Shekhar Seshadri
Home and belonging: Mapping what matters when moving on Robin Dallas-Childs and Danny Henderson


Themed articles

Book reviews

Scottish journal of residential child care vol 19.2