Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care
The Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care (SJRCC) is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal providing a rich forum for debate and dissemination about the topical issues in research, policy and practice about residential child care and all care experience, whether group or family-based.
The SJRCC is published twice per year, in spring and autumn. We publish long-form original research or review papers, shorter articles, book reviews, accounts of relevant conferences, and obituaries. The SJRCC has been accepted for listing by the international Directory of Open Access Journals for following good practice in reviewing, dissemination and archiving, and subscribes to the Portico digital preservation service.
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To learn more about the journal and how to contribute, click on ‘Journal’ in the menu bar above and use the drop-down menu to find information about the journal, archive of articles, aim and scope, editorial board, and instructions for authors.
Over the years, the SJRCC has produced special issues that focus on specific subjects that are important to the sector.
Find all previous issues of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care here