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We have found 157 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.
Case study/examples of practice Resource Icon

Education Forum - November 2017

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
Notes and presentation from the November 2017 Education Forum meeting.
Briefing Resource Icon

Education Forum - December 2016 meeting

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Linda O'Neill
Notes and presentation from the December 2016 Forum meeting.
Briefing Resource Icon

CELCIS Education Forum - June 2016 meeting

Year: 2016 | Topic: Education | Author: Ben Farrugia
Find out what was discussed at the June meeting of the forum
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum February 2024

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
At this meeting of the Education Forum we learned about a partnership project called the Keeping The Promise Award Programme, which was origi…
Briefing Resource Icon

Education Forum – March 2021

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
Our first Education Forum meeting of 2021 was held online in March with the theme of ‘Widening Participation and Access to Further and Higher…

Education Forum June 2022

Year: 2022 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
For this CELCIS Education Forum, we were delighted to welcome Pauline Stratford from Skills Development Scotland (SDS), to speak about its r…
Video Resource Icon

How the Education Forum helps a teacher see the bigger picture

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Local authority | Author: David Woodier, North Lanarkshire Council
David Woodier talks about the CELCIS Education Forum, and his role in the Inclusion Base at North Lanarkshire Council.
Event Resource Icon

Education Forum – May 2021

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
At our May 2021 Education Forum meeting we were delighted to welcome four Attainment Advisors from Education Scotland who shared information,…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum April 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
In the first Education Forum meeting of 2023, Stacey Heather-Brash, Funding Awareness and Engagement Manager from Students Awards Agency Scot…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum September 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
For our September Forum meeting, we were delighted to welcome Kyle Fleming, Head of Education, and Eileen McColl, Education Manager, of Erski…

Education Forum March 2022

Year: 2022 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
The latest CELCIS Education Forum was held online on Wednesday 30 March on the theme of using Scotland's Secure Care Pathway and Standards to…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum May 2024

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
At this Education Forum, attendees heard from Emma Mcginlay and Tony Mitchell, from the National Engagement and Partnership Team of Social S…
Event Resource Icon

Education Forum - November 2020

Year: 2020 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
Resources from the November 2020 meeting of the CELCIS Education Forum.
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum November 2021

Year: 2022 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
In this Education Forum meeting Jacqueline Cassidy, Director for Scotland for the the charity Place2Be explained the mission of the charity,…
Event Resource Icon

Education Forum - September 2021

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: CELCIS
At our latest Education Forum meeting. We were delighted to welcome Claire O'Hara, Programme Director, and Michael Wield, Programme Co-ordina…
Event Resource IconVideo Resource Icon

Education Forum - October 2018

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
Resources and presentations from the CELCIS Education Forum meeting in October 2018

Education Forum October 2022

Year: 2022 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
Emerging adulthood: Exploring the implications for Scotland's care experienced young people and those who care for, and support them
Event Resource Icon

Education Forum - November 2019

Year: 2019 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
Resources from the November 2019 meeting of the CELCIS Education Forum.
Consultations Resource Icon

CELCIS's response to the Scottish Government’s Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on Legislation

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: Linda Peat, Michael Bettencourt
CELCIS's response to the Scottish Government’s Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on Legislation
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee’s inquiry into Additional Support for Learning (ASL)

Year: 2023 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Linda O'Neill
CELCIS's response, based on research evidence, practice experience, and feedback from longstanding cross organisational networks, maintains a…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s ‘Prescribing the minimum annual number of learning hours: consultation’

Year: 2023 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation | Author: Michael Bettencourt
A perspective on the potential impact on care experienced learners and the education workforce of a proposal to prescribe the number of learn…
Consultations Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Education, Children and Young People Committee’s call for views on the Children (Care and Justice) (Scotland) Bill, Sections 24 and 25.

Year: 2023 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Kate MacKinnon
CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee’s call for views on the Children (Care and J…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s Statutory School Uniform Guidance consultation

Year: 2022 | Topic: Education | Author: Linda O'Neill
CELCIS's response considers the impact and implications of local and national school uniform policies for children and young people with care…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Home Education guidance

Year: 2022 | Topic: Education | Author: Ruth Sills
CELCIS supports the review of existing Home Education guidance. In our consultation response we suggest ways in which the proposed draft coul…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the UK Government consultation on data sharing to support early learning and childcare in Scotland

Year: 2022 | Topic: Disability, Education, Local authority | Author: Kate Mackinnon and Alexander McTier
This consultation is a response to the UK Government’s Digital Cabinet Office on the draft Digital Government (Disclosure of Information) Reg…
Report Resource Icon

Virtual School Head Teachers in Scotland: Practice Case Studies

Year: 2022 | Topic: Education | Author: Michael Bettencourt, Kimberley Keenan, Larissa Gordon, Emma Allen, Mary Jane Hunter, Leanne McIver, Gemma Watson, Linda O’Neill
This report provides an insight into the role of Virtual School Head Teachers (VSHTs) and Care Experienced Teams (CETs) in Scotland through …
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to Scottish Parliament Education, Children and Young People Committee’s Call for views on the impact of the Scottish Attainment Challenge.

Year: 2022 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education | Author: Linda O’Neill and Michael Bettencourt
CELCIS response to the Education, Children and Young People Committee’s call for views on The Scottish Attainment Challenge. This response fo…
Briefing Resource Icon

Scotland’s Virtual School Head Teachers’ and Care Experienced Teams’ Network

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
This booklet describes how the roles of the Virtual School Head Teacher's and Care Experienced Teams are developing in Scotland. It also set…
Consultations Resource Icon

CELCIS Response to Scottish Government Education Reform Consultation

Year: 2021 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: Michael Bettencourt
This consultation document provides information and insights on the proposed changes to Education Scotland and the reform of the Scottish Qua…
Report Resource Icon

Joining the dots: Virtual School Head Teachers’ and Care Experience Teams’ Network - Summary of 2020-2021 Evaluation Report

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: Michael Bettencourt and Dr Leanne McIver
This summary brings together the key findings of the Virtual School Head Teacher’ and Care Experience Teams’ Network 2020-2021 Evaluation Rep…
Report Resource Icon

Joining the dots: Virtual School Head Teachers’ and Care Experience Teams’ Network - 2020-2021 Evaluation Report

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: Dr Leanne McIver
This evaluation report brings together the findings of semi-structured interviews carried out in July/August 2021 with members of Scotland’s …
Briefing Resource Icon

CELCIS's commitment to keeping The Promise

Year: 2021 | Topic: Active implementation, Adoption, Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Disability, Domestic abuse, Education, Emotional abuse, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children, Female Genital Mutilation, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Historical abuse, International, Kinship care, Legislation, Local authority, Looked after at home, Neglect, Online safety, Parental alcohol and/or drug use, Parental mental health, Permanence, Physical abuse, Residential care, Secure care, Sexual abuse, Stigma, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: CELCIS
Learn more about CELCIS’s response and our offer to work in collaboration with The Promise and those working to support children, young peopl…
Report Resource IconToolkit Resource Icon

The role of the Virtual School Head Teacher and Care Experienced Team Network and its members, March 2019 - December 2020

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: Leanne McIver
Several local authorities in Scotland have chosen to allocate funding from the Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund towards the es…
Journal Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 20 No1

Year: 2021 | Topic: Residential care | Author:
This issue of The Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care includes perspectives on the role of informal networks in young people transitio…
Practice paper Resource Icon

Gathering evidence and producing estimates for care experienced pupils during the SQA 2021 exam diet

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: Virtual School Head Teacher and Care Experience Team Network
This document has been produced by the Virtual School and Care Experienced Team National Network with the intention of providing supportive, …
Practice paper Resource Icon

Virtual School Head Teacher and Care Experienced Teams' Phone Survey

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: Leanne McIver and Linda O’Neill
A phone survey was carried out by the CELCIS Education Team in October 2020 with the members of the Virtual School Head Teacher (VSHT) and Ca…
Practice paper Resource Icon

Exploring the roles and responsibilities of Virtual School Head Teachers and Care Experienced Teams in Scotland

Year: 2021 | Topic: Education | Author: Sarah Deeley and Linda O’Neill
This paper has been produced as part of a series of discussions undertaken by the Virtual School Head Teacher (VSHT) and Care Experienced Tea…
Consultations Resource IconGuidance Resource Icon

CELCIS’ Response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on the Revision of the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland

Year: 2021 | Topic: Active implementation, Child protection, Education, Neglect | Author: Ruth Sills, Susan Mitchell, Michael Stewart, Louise Henry, Ruth Sills, Aileen Nicol, Kate Mackinnon
CELCIS have responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the revised national guidance for child protection in Scotland. We welcome…
Report Resource Icon

Exploring feedback around membership of the Virtual School Head Teacher and Care Experienced Team Network: Discussion findings from a facilitated workshop [Paper Two]

Year: 2020 | Topic: Education | Author: Sarah Deeley and Linda O’Neill
In October 2020 CELCIS convened and facilitated a virtual workshop with the Virtual School Head Teacher (VSHT) and Care Experienced Team (CET…
Report Resource Icon

Exploring the unique role of the Virtual School Head Teacher or Care Experienced Team in relation to supporting children and families during COVID-19: Discussion findings from a facilitated workshop [Paper One]

Year: 2020 | Topic: Education | Author: Sarah Deeley and Linda O’Neill
In October 2020 CELCIS convened and facilitated a virtual workshop with the Virtual School Head Teacher (VSHT) and Care Experienced Team (CET…
Evaluation Resource Icon

An evaluation of the We are Citizens! Ensemble care experienced theatre company project

Year: 2020 | Topic: Education, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Dr Louise Hill, Dr Leanne McIver & Dr Brandi Lee Lough Dennell
In 2018 the Citizens Theatre, in partnership with CELCIS, was awarded funding from the Life Changes Trust’s Creative and Active Lives initiat…
Consultations Resource Icon

CELCIS response to call for views on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill

Year: 2020 | Topic: Active implementation, Education, International, Legislation, Local authority, Voices of young people | Author: Kate MacKinnon, Paul Sullivan, Rosie Moore, Elaine Adams, Miriana Giraldi, Kirsty Deacon
CELCIS strongly supports this progressive approach to promote systemic change through legislation for the promotion of children’s rights thro…
Video Resource Icon

SIRCC 2020 Online | The Extraordinary Ordinary

Year: 2020 | Topic: Residential care, SIRCC, Voices of young people | Author: CELCIS
We asked the residential community what the extraordinary ordinary has meant to them in recent months. Find out what they said.
Briefing Resource IconConsultations Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

CELCIS response to the Scottish Parliament's Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee consultation on the economic impact of COVID-19 on young people

Year: 2020 | Topic: Voices of young people | Author:
Although the impact of COVID-19 will be felt by many, evidence suggests that young people will be disproportionately impacted by the effects …
Briefing Resource IconReport Resource Icon

Bridging the digital divide for care experienced young people in Scotland: If not now, when?

Year: 2020 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: Kenny McGhee and Dr. Autumn Roesch-Marsh
This report has been produced by CELCIS and the University of Edinburgh and investigates how Scotland’s care leavers have been affected by di…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee’s Inquiry into support for vulnerable children during the Coronavirus outbreak’

Year: 2020 | Topic: Education, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Legislation, Local authority, Looked after at home, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Linda O'Neill
The Scottish Parliament's Education and Skills Committee is seeking information around the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on vulnerable c…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

CELCIS response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on The Youth Justice Standards

Year: 2020 | Topic: Secure care | Author: Kate Mackinnon
Our response highlights the need for children aged 16-17 to access child friendly justice responses, and for the rights of children as ascert…
Case study/examples of practice Resource IconVideo Resource Icon

Scotland - Jersey Participation Project

Year: 2019 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author:
Information from a recent Scottish delegation of care experienced adults who travelled to Jersey to work alongside their counterparts.
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

CELCIS response to Scottish Funding Council’s Consultation on the Widening Access and Retention Fund

Year: 2019 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education | Author: Linda O'Neill
The Scottish Funding Council are reviewing the best use of the Widening Access and Retention Fund in higher education. We consider changes wh…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to Education and Skills Committee call for evidence on the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1

Year: 2019 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Foster care, Kinship care, Legislation, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Lizzie Morton
Our response provides evidence to support the Committee’s scrutiny of the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill, designed to strengthen and simplify the…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

‘Being a student with care experience is very daunting’ Findings from a survey of care experienced students in Scottish colleges and universities

Year: 2019 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Voices of young people | Author: Linda O’Neill, Neil Harrison, Nadine Fowler, Graham Connelly
The first Scotland-wide survey of care experienced students in Scotland’s colleges and universities, on behalf of the Scottish Funding Counci…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to the Financial Education for Young People’s inquiry into children in care and financial education

Year: 2019 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Lizzie Morton
We contribute to the Westminster APPG’s inquiry into care experienced children and young people’s access to financial education.
Magazine Resource IconVideo Resource Icon

No wrong path

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, REACH | Author: University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow student, Jamie, grew up in care. In this short film he talks about the challenges on his path through education.
Guidance Resource IconPractice paper Resource IconToolkit Resource Icon

Prepare for Leaving Care Practice Guidance

Year: 2018 | Topic: Active implementation, International, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Chrissie Gale, Nigel Cantwell, Kenny McGhee, Kate Skinner
The Practice Guidance has been developed with the aim of building knowledge and skills of professionals, carers and other stakeholders respon…
Magazine Resource IconVideo Resource Icon

How Seamab sees it

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, REACH, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Joanna McCreadie
The team at Seamab reflect on their experiences of working in social care and misconceptions about the care and support of children and young…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Creative Consortium: Children and young people in residential care engagement in music

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Residential care | Author: Charlie Gracie, Moyra Hawthorn and Michelle McCue
A research project which addressed how looked after children and young people accessed music opportunities, if at all, what barriers there we…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 3

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue, we present three peer reviewed articles, five commentaries, and a book review. These cover a wide range of topics and experien…
Video Resource Icon

Connecting Voices on listening to the voices of care experienced young people

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Local authority | Author: CELCIS
Jim Lyon from East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership talks about the importance of listening to the voices of care experienced youn…
Briefing Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Beyond the Headlines: Going to university from care

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Legislation | Author: CELCIS
This is the first in a series of our Beyond the Headlines briefings to provide further information and analysis on some commonly reported sta…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Consultation response: Review of Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and Creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy

Year: 2018 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Lizzie Morton
CELCIS response to Scottish Government’s consultation on the review of legislation relating to children and their families in Scotland.
Video Resource Icon

Parents in Partnership at Auchenharvie Academy

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Local authority | Author: CELCIS
Liz and Reena, parents of pupils at Auchenharvie Academy have been involved in a project where the attend their children’s school to learn mo…
Video Resource Icon

Kieran Morrell on Parents in Partnership at Auchenharvie Academy

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Local authority | Author: CELCIS
Kieran Morrell, Family Learning Worker, talks about how Parents in Partnership (a model for parental involvement in the school curriculum) is…
Evaluation Resource IconReport Resource Icon

Aberlour Life Works Service – a qualitative evaluation

Year: 2018 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Looked after at home, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Dr Charlene Plunkett, Dr Vicki Welch
This mixed-methods evaluation describes the person-centred model that has evolved within the life works service.
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 2

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Historical abuse, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue - a special edition coinciding with the 19th annual Scottish Institute of Residential Child Care (SIRCC) conference - you will …
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 1

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Historical abuse, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue you will find the usual mix of peer-reviewed papers, commentaries and book reviews. Included in the collection are: the text of…
Video Resource Icon

From care to adulthood: messages from research

Year: 2018 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Professor Mike Stein
Professor Mike Stein gives a summary of his keynote speech on research in relation to corporate parenting, at the Scottish Care Leavers Coven…
Podcast Resource Icon

National Ambition for care leavers

Year: 2018 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Fiona Burns and Nick Stansfield, Scottish Funding Council
The Scottish Funding Council speak about National Ambition, their three-year improvement programme to support care experienced young people i…
Podcast Resource Icon

The importance of consistent relationships

Year: 2018 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Residential care | Author: Andrew Skinner, Hillside Residential School
Andrew Skinner is a unit manager at Hillside Residential School for boys with emotional, social and behavioural problems. Corporate parenting…
Podcast Resource Icon

Embedded support for university

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Peter Tormey, Edinburgh Napier University
Peter Tormey, part of the Widening Particpation team at Edinburgh Napier University has responsibility for care-experienced youngsters studyi…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to Scottish Government consultation on Excellence and Equity for All

Year: 2018 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation | Author: Dr Graham Connelly
CELCIS response considers how the draft ‘Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming’ reflects the needs of looked after children and those …
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to consultation on the provisions of the Education (Scotland) Bill

Year: 2018 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation | Author: Linda O’Neill
CELCIS responds proposed amendments to the Education (Scotland) Bill and the impact on the educational experiences and outcomes of looked aft…
Toolkit Resource Icon

National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) Active Implementation Hub

Year: 2018 | Topic: Active implementation | Author: CELCIS
The Active Implementation Hub provides learning resources and lessons to support and promote knowledge and practice of Active Implementation …
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Designated Manager Survey: Summary Findings

Year: 2017 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation, Local authority | Author: Linda O’Neill, Richard Withington, Graham Connelly
The report sets out the main findings of a national survey of Designated Managers in educational establishments within Scotland.
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to consultation on Section 70 of Education (Scotland) Act 1980

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Legislation | Author: Linda O’Neill
Response to the Scottish Government consultation on Section 70 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to consultation on Extending Children's Rights

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Legislation | Author: Graham Connelly
A response to the Scottish Government consultation on assessing children with additional support needs’ capacity to use their rights, and con…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to consultation on measuring the attainment gap and milestones towards closing it

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Linda O’Neill
CELCIS response to Scottish Government consultation on measuring the attainment gap and milestones towards closing it
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to Fair Funding Consultation

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Linda O’Neill
Response to Scottish Governments consultation on proposed funding arrangements to achieve excellence and equity in education. We highlight th…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 2

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, International, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly (Editor)
This issue contains a collection of four peer-reviewed research articles, three shorter commentaries, a paper previously published in the Ind…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 3

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Historical abuse, Residential care | Author: Alan Macquarrie (guest editor)
In this special history issue, we begin with Professor Roy Parker’s last article, published posthumously. We include an obituary of him. This…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to Scotland's call for views on Children and Young People (Information Sharing) Bill

Year: 2017 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Lizzie Morton
A response to the Education and Skills Committee’s call for views on the proposed legislative amendments to the Children and Young People (Sc…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to Scotland's consultation on ‘Independent Review of Financial Support for Students in Scotland’

Year: 2017 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education | Author: Graham Connelly
Response to Scottish Governments consultation on the review of financial support for students. We support the general findings of the review,…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Response to Scotland’s Ten Year Strategy for the Learning Provision for Children and Young People with Complex Additional Support Needs

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: Richard Withington
A response to Scottish Government’s consultation on Scotland’s Ten Year Strategy for the Learning Provision for Children and Young People wit…
Evaluation Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Parents In Partnership Programme evaluation 2017

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Looked after at home | Author: Linda O'Neill, Leanne Mattu, Richard Withington and Vicki Welch
An evaluation report of the CELCIS Parents In Partnership programme, a parental and carer involvement model implemented in three high schools…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Consultation response: Draft Regulations to Transfer the Functions and Members of the ASNTS to the Scottish Tribunals and Repeal Existing Regulations

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Legislation | Author: Graham Connelly
A response to the Scottish Government consultation to transfer the functions and members of Additional Support Needs Tribunals to the Scottis…
Video Resource Icon

Being a Corporate Parent - what does it really mean?

Year: 2017 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education | Author: Lizzie Morton
Lizzie Morton describes how corporate parenting should work in the classroom.
Video Resource Icon

Castlehead High School Paired Reading Scheme

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Castlehead High School pupils
Pupils from Castlehead High School in Renfrewshire share their experiences of the paired reading scheme.
Podcast Resource Icon

Shifting the balance towards prevention

Year: 2017 | Topic: Child protection, Education, Legislation, Voices of young people | Author: Ben Farrugia
Ben Farrugia talks about the Named Person and how it affects looked after children
Video Resource Icon

Fostering a love of books at an early age

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Kirsteen Watson
The Dollywood Foundation send free books to all registered looked after children in Scotland and beyond.
Consultations Resource Icon

Consultation response: Education and Skills Committee Teacher workforce planning in Scotland’s schools – call for views

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Linda O'Neill, Lizzie Morton
A response to the Education and Skills Committee’s call for views on teacher workforce planning. We give our views on the issues impacting on…
Consultations Resource Icon

Consultation response: Supporting children and young people with healthcare needs in schools

Year: 2017 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: Lizzie Morton
We highlight issues pertinent to supporting vulnerable and looked after children with healthcare needs in schools. We recommend ensuring the …
Podcast Resource Icon

Children's voice can be non verbal, but we should still be listening

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Looked after at home, Voices of young people | Author: Professor Kate Wall
Professor Kate Wall of Strathclyde University reflects on student voice for young children, and those who are looked after.
Podcast Resource Icon

CELCIS Education Conference: Dr Nikki Luke

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Dr Nikki Luke
Finding the links between educational attainment, individual characteristics, and experiences in care and education
Video Resource Icon

CELCIS Education Conference: Prof Sue Ellis

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education | Author: Professor Sue Ellis
Recognising the part we can all play in helping children to build their cultural and social capital
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Consultation response: Children’s Hearing System – Taking Stock of Reforms

Year: 2017 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Legislation | Author: Lizzie Morton (CELCIS), Pamela Morrison (CYCJ)
Our response to the Education and Skill’s Committee’s call for evidence on changes to the Children Hearing System since the introduction of t…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Consultation response: Provision of additional support needs in schools

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Linda O'Neill
Our response to the Education and Skill’s Committee’s call for views on the provision of Additional Support Needs in schools.
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Consultation response: Strategy for Education and Training

Year: 2017 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education | Author: Lizzie Morton
Response to Scottish Governments consultation on the strategy for education and training in STEM.
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Consultation response: The New National Health and Social Care Standards

Year: 2017 | Topic: Active implementation, Corporate parenting, Education, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Permanence, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Lizzie Morton
Response to Scottish Government's consultation on the new proposed Standards for Health and Social Care.
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

Consultation response: Draft revised standards in social work education

Year: 2017 | Topic:  | Author: Lizzie Morton
Response to Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) consultation on the draft revised standards in social work education.
Consultations Resource Icon

Consultation response: Education Governance Review

Year: 2017 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Linda O'Neill
Our response to the consultation on the current review of governance arrangements within education.
Briefing Resource Icon

Inform Briefing - Modern Apprenticeships: Opportunities for employees with care experience

Year: 2016 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Lizzie Morton
Information for employers on how to offer appropriate and supportive Modern Apprenticeships to young people with care experience.

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