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We have found 79 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.
Briefing Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The digital divide| The impact on the rights of care leavers in Scotland

Year: 2021 | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Dr Autumn Roesch-Marsh, Kenny McGhee and Dr Fern Gillon
Findings from research carried out to understand care leavers’ experiences of digital exclusion before and during the COVID-19 restrictions i…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Voluntary Accommodation of Infants, Children, and Young People in Scotland (Section 25): An initial exploration

Year: 2020 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Foster care, Legislation, Local authority, Permanence, Voices of young people | Author: Micky Anderson, Brandi Lee Lough Dennell, and Robert Porter
Findings in relation to the purpose, frequency, and variation in us of section 25 orders.
Briefing Resource IconConsultations Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

CELCIS response to the Scottish Parliament's Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee consultation on the economic impact of COVID-19 on young people

Year: 2020 | Topic: Voices of young people | Author:
Although the impact of COVID-19 will be felt by many, evidence suggests that young people will be disproportionately impacted by the effects …
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Reseach on children and young people’s experiences of the justice system in Scotland during COVID-19

Year: 2020 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Secure care, Voices of young people | Author: Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice
New research undertaken by the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice (CYCJ) into children and young people’s experiences within Scotland’s ju…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 19 No 1

Year: 2020 | Topic: Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Graham Connelly
This issue includes a mix of peer-reviewed articles, commentaries and the Kilbrandon Lecture.
Briefing Resource IconEvaluation Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Young People Leaving Care - A Four Nations Perspective

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Corporate parenting, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: The British Academy
The British Academy has undertaken a programme of work that seeks to re-frame debates around childhood in both the public and policy spaces a…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Survey of Child Protection Committees (2019)

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Developed by the CSE Data Indicators Sub-Group1 of the National Child Sexual Exploitation Group
This survey follows the first, baseline survey of Scotland’s Child Protection Committees completed in summer 2016. Developed by the CSE Data …
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 18 No 3

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Graham Connelly
This issue includes a mix of peer-reviewed articles, commentaries and the Kilbrandon Lecture.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Children Without Parental Care and Alternative Care: Findings from Research

Year: 2019 | Topic: Foster care, International, Permanence, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Dr Chrissie Gale
This short paper contributes evidence regarding the situation of children without parental care and provision of suitable alternative care in…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The Care Leaver Experience: Uganda

Year: 2019 | Topic: International, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: The Uganda Care Leavers Project
The Care Leaver Experience - A Report on Children and Young People’s Experiences in and after Leaving Residential Care in Uganda. A report b…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

‘Being a student with care experience is very daunting’ Findings from a survey of care experienced students in Scottish colleges and universities

Year: 2019 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Voices of young people | Author: Linda O’Neill, Neil Harrison, Nadine Fowler, Graham Connelly
The first Scotland-wide survey of care experienced students in Scotland’s colleges and universities, on behalf of the Scottish Funding Counci…
Evaluation Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Learning from Significant Case Reviews in Scotland 2015-2018

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Care Inspectorate
This report presents the findings of a review by the Care Inspectorate of 25 Serious Case Reviews (SCRs), conducted in Scotland over the thre…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 18 No 2

Year: 2019 | Topic: Residential care, SIRCC, Voices of young people | Author: Graham Connelly
This issue comprises articles submitted in response to a call for submissions to celebrate the 20th anniversary conference of the Scottish In…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Supporting Families

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Foster care, Kinship care, Looked after at home, Residential care | Author: Dr Louise Hill, Nadine Fowler, Dr Robert Porter
A review of the implementation of Part 12: Children at risk of becoming looked after as set out in the Children and Young People (Scotland) A…
Evaluation Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

An Independent Evaluation of Quarriers Coaching for Life

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Corporate parenting, Health and Wellbeing, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Nadine Fowler, Louise Hill, Charlene Plunkett, Vicki Welch (on the Annotated Bibliography only)
Report from the CELCIS evaluation of Quarriers Coaching for Life, a mentoring programme for care experienced young people.
Case study/examples of practice Resource IconResearch Resource IconToolkit Resource Icon

Principles of Good Transitions - improving post-school transitions

Year: 2019 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Scottish Transitions Forum, ARC Scotland
Providing clear guidance to improve the quality of care and support for young people with additional support needs who are making the transit…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 18 No 1

Year: 2019 | Topic: Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Graham Connelly
This issue includes a mix of peer-reviewed articles, commentaries and book reviews.
Magazine Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The perpetrators of medical child abuse (Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy) - A systematic review of 796 cases

Year: 2017 | Topic: Child protection, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children | Author: Yates, G. & Bass, C.
Article investigating the demographic and clinical characteristics of 796 worldwide cases of medical child abuse.
Research Resource Icon

Fabricated or Induced Illness in children: A rare form of child abuse?

Year: 2011 | Topic: Child protection, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children | Author: Lazenbatt, A. & Taylor, J.
NSPCC research briefing on Fabricated or Induced Illness in children.
Guidance Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Oral and Dental Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Christine Park
Information on the role of Dentists in the recognition of neglect.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Children’s views on contact with non-resident fathers in the context of domestic abuse

Year: 2016 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, The University of Edinburgh
Briefing on the factors that influence children’s views about contact with non-resident fathers in the context of domestic abuse.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Strengthening mother-child relationships as part of domestic violence recovery

Year: 2014 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, The University of Edinburgh
This study identifies five main reasons why mother-child relationships were (or were not) detrimentally affected by domestic violence.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Working with young people experiencing relationship abuse

Year: 2014 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: SafeLives
This practice briefing is for professionals working with young people experiencing domestic abuse.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

After domestic abuse: children’s perspectives on contact with fathers

Year: 2009 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, The University of Edinburgh
Research on the views of children who have experienced domestic abuse about contact with their fathers following parental separation.
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 4

Year: 2018 | Topic: Disability, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Charlotte Wilson and Chris Walter
This special issue on perspectives and understandings of disability represents the great diversity of people with disabilities and their expe…
Research Resource Icon

IMPRoving Outcomes for children exposed to domestic ViolencE (IMPROVE)

Year: 2016 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Emma Howarth, Theresa HM Moore, Nicky J Welton, Natalia Lewis, Nicky Stanley, Harriet MacMillan, Alison Shaw, Marianne Hester, Peter Bryden and Gene Feder
Study that reviews programmes for children exposed to domestic violence and abuse.
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

An Evaluation of Stop to Listen

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Local authority, Sexual abuse | Author: Ruth Sills
This report details the journey of Stop to Listen from planning to implementation and evaluation. It will focus on the changes the pathfinder…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Study of independent supported accommodation providers in Scotland

Year: 2018 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Local authority, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: James Frame
We've published a qualitative study to examine independent supported accommodation commissioned by local authorities in Scotland.
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Creative Consortium: Children and young people in residential care engagement in music

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Residential care | Author: Charlie Gracie, Moyra Hawthorn and Michelle McCue
A research project which addressed how looked after children and young people accessed music opportunities, if at all, what barriers there we…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

In and beyond the care setting: relationships between young people and care workers: A literature review

Year: 2018 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Local authority, Residential care, SIRCC, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Vicki Welch, Nadine Fowler, Ewan Ross, Richard Withington, Kenny McGhee
The report summarises important learning from academic and other literature about relationships between young people and those caring for the…
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The Traumatic Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: A Conceptualization - published 1985

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: David Finkelhor, Ph.D., and Angela Browne, Ph.D.
A framework is proposed for a more systematic understanding of the effects of child sexual abuse.
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome - published 1983

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Roland C. Summit, M.D.
This study draws in part from statistically validated assumptions regarding prevalence, age relationships and role characteristics of child s…
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Protecting children from harm

Year: 2015 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Children’s Commissioner for England
A critical assessment of child sexual abuse in the family network in England and priorities for action.
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 3

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue, we present three peer reviewed articles, five commentaries, and a book review. These cover a wide range of topics and experien…
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Keeping Children Safe - Information disclosure about child sexual offenders

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: NSPCC
Community disclosure is now running in your area. This will provide a formal route for the public to directly raise child protection concerns…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Animal Magic - The benefits of being around and caring for animals across care settings.

Year: 2018 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Looked after at home, Permanence, Residential care, SIRCC, Voices of young people | Author: Care Inspectorate
The benefits of being around and caring for animals across care settings.
Research Resource Icon

Relationships in Foster Care Professional Role survey

Year: 2018 | Topic: Foster care | Author: Lucia Hargašová, CELCIS
Are you a foster carer? Take this short questionnaire and share your experiences of fostering.
Case study/examples of practice Resource IconEvaluation Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Integrated Children’s Services in Scotland

Year: 2018 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Local authority | Author: Social Work Scotland
An assessment of progress and improvement in integrated children's services, published by Social Work Scotland, and a literature review.
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Care Crisis Review – options for change

Year: 2018 | Topic: Local authority | Author: Nuffield Foundation
A Nuffield Foundation-funded Review has confirmed that there is a crisis in the Children’s Social Care and Family Justice Sector in England a…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 2

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Historical abuse, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue - a special edition coinciding with the 19th annual Scottish Institute of Residential Child Care (SIRCC) conference - you will …
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 1

Year: 2018 | Topic: Education, Historical abuse, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue you will find the usual mix of peer-reviewed papers, commentaries and book reviews. Included in the collection are: the text of…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Designated Manager Survey: Summary Findings

Year: 2017 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation, Local authority | Author: Linda O’Neill, Richard Withington, Graham Connelly
The report sets out the main findings of a national survey of Designated Managers in educational establishments within Scotland.
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Analysis of Scotland’s Child Protection Committees Structures and Functions

Year: 2017 | Topic: Child protection, Local authority | Author: Alexander McTier and Mihaela Manole
The report sets out the extent to which Child Protection Committees and Chief Officers’ Groups across Scotland’s 32 local authority areas are…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 2

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, International, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly (Editor)
This issue contains a collection of four peer-reviewed research articles, three shorter commentaries, a paper previously published in the Ind…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 3

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Historical abuse, Residential care | Author: Alan Macquarrie (guest editor)
In this special history issue, we begin with Professor Roy Parker’s last article, published posthumously. We include an obituary of him. This…
Research Resource Icon

Claiming after care - Care leavers and the benefits system

Year: 2017 | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare | Author: The Children's Society
Report by The Children's Society provides evidence of the financial difficulties faced by care leavers in England.
Evaluation Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Parents In Partnership Programme evaluation 2017

Year: 2017 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Looked after at home | Author: Linda O'Neill, Leanne Mattu, Richard Withington and Vicki Welch
An evaluation report of the CELCIS Parents In Partnership programme, a parental and carer involvement model implemented in three high schools…
Journal Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 1

Year: 2017 | Topic: International, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue we provide the usual mix of peer-reviewed research, commentaries on practice, and book reviews aimed at researchers, students a…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Towards the Right Care for Children

Year: 2017 | Topic: International, Voices of young people | Author: Chrissie Gale
The first study of it's kind, Towards the Right Care for Children is the result of the European Commission project in partnership with the SO…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Consultation response: Department for Work and Pensions

Year: 2016 | Topic: Kinship care, Legislation | Author: Louise Hill
Response to the Department of Work and Pensions public consultation, highlighting the important distinctions in the provision of kinship care…
Research Resource Icon

Residential Child Care Workforce Qualifications Summary

Year: 2016 | Topic: Residential care | Author: Joanne McMeeking, Fiona Mossman, Francesca Soliman and Vicki Welch
An analysis of workforce data help future workforce planning in implementing the new Level 9 qualification for residential child care workers…
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Role of Solicitors in the Children's Hearings System

Year: 2016 | Topic: Children's hearings system | Author: Rober Porter, Vicki Welch and Fiona Mitchell
Our research findings exploring the role and impact of solicitors in the Children's Hearing System
Research Resource Icon

Permanence and Care Excellence: Background,approach and evidence

Year: 2016 | Topic: Looked after at home, Permanence, Residential care | Author: Fiona Mitchell, Robert Porter
Introducing the PACE project which aims to reduce waiting times in finding permanent homes for children and young people.
Report Resource IconResearch Resource IconToolkit Resource Icon

The impact of unproven allegations on foster carers (England)

Year: 2016 | Topic: Foster care | Author: Gillian Plumridge, Judy Sebba
Research to assess the impact of unproven allegations of maltreatment on foster carers in England.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Improving Transitions to Secondary School for Looked After Children

Year: 2016 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Looked after at home, Voices of young people | Author: Alison Hennessey
The report on an action research project using improvement methodology to provide enhanced transition support to looked after young people mo…
Evaluation Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Parents In Partnership Evaluation

Year: 2015 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: Linda O'Neill
Evaluation of a developing parent and carer engagement model aimed at engaging parents and carers involvement in high school.
Research Resource Icon

Education Forum: additional support for learning (ASL)

Year: 2016 | Topic: Disability, Education, Legislation | Author: Govan Law Centre
Data compiled on ASL assessments and the number of coordinated support plans prepared for looked after children.
Case study/examples of practice Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Improving the Transition to Secondary School for looked after children

Year: 2016 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation | Author: Alison Hennessy
An insightful presentation of a local authority project, on how to make the leap to secondary school easier.
Research Resource Icon

Assessing the needs of looked after children in primary school

Year: 2015 | Topic: Education | Author: Stacey Mckillop
In this research summary Stacey Mckillop provides a summary of her 'How Can Primary School Teachers Effectively Address the Needs of Looked A…
Case study/examples of practice Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Overseen but often overlooked

Year: 2015 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Looked after at home, Permanence, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Vicki Welch, Jennifer Lerpiniere, Emma Young, Sue Sadler, John Paul Fitzpatrick
Study exploring the needs, outcomes and service provision for children currently or previously looked after at home.
Research Resource Icon

Recognition of Prior Learning and Looked After Young People

Year: 2015 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS and Education Scotland
A profiling process, which can benchmark skills developed in informal settings against academic qualifications.
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Evaluation Report: Early Years Assessment Team (Scottish Borders)

Year: 2015 | Topic: Adoption, Child protection, Foster care, Kinship care, Local authority, Looked after at home, Permanence | Author: Andressa Gadda, Vicki Welch, Malcolm Hill, Emma Young
Evaluation of a model of early intervention to improve the care and support to vulnerable families during pregnancy and once the baby is born…
Research Resource Icon

Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland: Potential impact on children’s services

Year: 2015 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing | Author: Vicki Welch, Maire McCormack, Jim Stephen, Jennifer Lerpiniere
How the integration of adult health and social care services may impact on children and families.
Research Resource Icon

Safeguarders Research

Year: 2015 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Legislation, Permanence | Author: CELCIS
This executive summary draws out relevant points from across the whole study.
Research Resource Icon

Interpreting the Children and Young People Act 2014 - care experienced young people's views

Year: 2015 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Legislation, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Who Cares? Scotland
Who Cares? Scotland directly consulted with 87 young people to establish their experiences of living in care, their hopes for life after care…
Research Resource Icon

What children, young people and their carers think about children's hearings

Year: 2014 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Voices of young people | Author: Children's Hearings Scotland
This report presents the main themes from the research in a format specifically for young people.
Research Resource Icon

Children's Reporter Decision Making

Year: 2014 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Legislation | Author: SCRA
The research examined Reporter decisions on the referrals of 200 children made in April 2013.
Research Resource Icon

Scottish First-line Managers’ Views of Newly Qualified Social Workers’ Preparedness for Practice

Year: 2014 | Topic:  | Author: Vicki Welch, Jennifer Lerpiniere, Emma Young
Research describing the findings of a recent study. Covers managers’ views of preparedness, preparation for practice and ongoing support.
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Drumming Together for Change

Year: 2014 | Topic: International, Legislation | Author: SOS Children's Villages International, CELCIS, University of Malawi
Report is based on a synthesis of eight assessments of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in Benin, Ga…
Research Resource Icon

Throughcare and Aftercare Services in Scotland’s Local Authorities

Year: 2014 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: CELCIS
With the recent passage of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill through the Scottish Parliament, throughcare and aftercare services …
Research Resource Icon

Young People Creating Belonging: Spaces, Sounds and Sights

Year: 2013 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Dr EJ Milne, Dr Sarah Wilson
Explored belonging with looked after young people across Scotland using creative methodologies.
Briefing Resource IconPolicy Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Still Caring? Supporting Care Leavers in Scotland

Year: 2013 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Zachari Duncalf, Louise Hill, Kenny McGhee
Young people in care should be encouraged, enabled and supported to remain in quality care settings until they are ready to leave.
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Home Supervision Requirements: Messages from research

Year: 2012 | Topic: Looked after at home, Voices of young people | Author: Andressa Gadda, John Paul Fitzpatrick
Summary of key findings from research into Home Supervision Requirements (HSRs) in Scotland.
Report Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Attachment Matters for All

Year: 2012 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Permanence, Residential care | Author: Judy Furnivall, Mary McKenna, Shelagh McFarlane, Edwina Grant
How far attachment theory underpins training and practice within Scotland’s children’s sector.
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Peer research: how to make a difference

Year: 2012 | Topic:  | Author:
The benefits of a peer research approach.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The education of looked after children in Scotland: Some comparisons with Scandinavian countries

Year: 2012 | Topic: Education, International | Author: Iain Matheson, Graham Connelly
This research briefing paper supports the inquiry by the Education and Culture Committee of the Scottish Parliament into the educational atta…
Evaluation Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Scottish Research on Looked After Children since 2000

Year: 2011 | Topic: Foster care, Kinship care, Looked after at home, Residential care | Author: Malcolm Hill, University of Strathclyde
This paper is based on a review of Scottish research since 2001 on services for looked after children. It focuses on studies and results rele…
Guidance Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

A-Z of Residential Child Care

Year: 2010 | Topic: Residential care, SIRCC | Author: Claire Burns, Fiona Feilberg, Ian Milligan
An introduction to the key issues and concepts within residential child care practice. Published to mark SIRCC’s 10th year anniversary.
Research Resource Icon

Playing it safe: a study of the regulation of outdoor play for children in residential care

Year: 2007 | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Residential care | Author: Lorraine McGuinness, Irene Stevens, Ian Milligan
We all want children and young people to be safe, active and have fun outdoors so we must balance minimising risks with spoiling their enjoym…

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  • Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
  • Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
  • Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
  • Know the date it was published? Then select the year

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