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We have found 44 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.

National framework established to monitor Scotland’s progress on children’s social care
Year: 2024 | Topic:
Adoption, Child protection, Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Foster care, Kinship care, Legislation, Looked after at home, Permanence, Residential care, Secure care, Throughcare and aftercare, Brothers and sisters | Author: The Promise Scotland
Aimed at building an understanding of how Scotland is doing in its progress towards keeping The Promise of the Independent Care Review, the F…

Evaluation of the Lifelong Links trial in Scotland
Year: 2024 | Topic:
Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Dr Robert Porter and Dr Nadine Fowler
An evaluation of the trial commissioned by Family Rights Group (FRG), has been published by CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children’s …

An evaluation of the We are Citizens! Ensemble care experienced theatre company project
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Education, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Dr Louise Hill, Dr Leanne McIver & Dr Brandi Lee Lough Dennell
In 2018 the Citizens Theatre, in partnership with CELCIS, was awarded funding from the Life Changes Trust’s Creative and Active Lives initiat…

Child Participation in Child Protection Processes
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Local authority | Author: Mihaela Manole, Jillian Ingram
This report presents the main findings of a self-evaluation survey that looked at the arrangements in place in local areas to support child p…

Lifelong Links briefing
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care | Author: Nadine Fowler and Robert Porter
An overview of the evaluation of a trial of Lifelong Links – an innovative approach to supporting children and young people who are looked af…

Young People Leaving Care - A Four Nations Perspective
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Corporate parenting, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: The British Academy
The British Academy has undertaken a programme of work that seeks to re-frame debates around childhood in both the public and policy spaces a…

Evaluation of National Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Trafficking Workshops
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking | Author: Moira McKinnon
Evaluation report of workshops delivered to Child Protection Committees Scotland to share key learning in relation to local area approaches t…

Learning from Significant Case Reviews in Scotland 2015-2018
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection | Author: Care Inspectorate
This report presents the findings of a review by the Care Inspectorate of 25 Serious Case Reviews (SCRs), conducted in Scotland over the thre…

An Independent Evaluation of Quarriers Coaching for Life
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Corporate parenting, Health and Wellbeing, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Nadine Fowler, Louise Hill, Charlene Plunkett, Vicki Welch (on the Annotated Bibliography only)
Report from the CELCIS evaluation of Quarriers Coaching for Life, a mentoring programme for care experienced young people.

Caledonian System Evaluation: Analysis of a programme for tackling domestic abuse in Scotland
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
Evaluation of the Caledonian System: a programme to tackle domestic abuse in Scotland.

Just out having a good time?
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Foster care, Local authority, Residential care | Author: Leanne McIver, Vicki Welch
Evaluation of the pilot National Partnership Agreement for Looked After Children who go missing from Residential and Foster Care in Scotland

Initial evaluation of the ‘Why Not?’ initiative developed by Care Visions
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Dr Vicki Welch, Kenny McGhee
This short document provides a summary of initial learning from data gathered for an evaluation of the Why Not? initiative. The study was com…

Supporting Kinship Families
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Kinship care | Author: Dr Vicki Welch
Report from the evaluation of the Notre Dame Centre’s support programme for kinship families

Aberlour Life Works Service – a qualitative evaluation
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Looked after at home, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Dr Charlene Plunkett, Dr Vicki Welch
This mixed-methods evaluation describes the person-centred model that has evolved within the life works service.

Integrated Children’s Services in Scotland
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Local authority | Author: Social Work Scotland
An assessment of progress and improvement in integrated children's services, published by Social Work Scotland, and a literature review.

Notre Dame Kinship Family Support Service evaluation
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Kinship care | Author: Vicki Welch
Evaluation of the Notre Dame Centre designed a designated Kinship Family Project.

Parents In Partnership Programme evaluation 2017
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Education, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Looked after at home | Author: Linda O'Neill, Leanne Mattu, Richard Withington and Vicki Welch
An evaluation report of the CELCIS Parents In Partnership programme, a parental and carer involvement model implemented in three high schools…

Moneywise Project report
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Norma Brown
The care leaving team at Falkirk Council received funding to mitigate against the effects of the Welfare Reform Act on care leavers.

Changing mind-sets and pioneering social work in Tajikstan: Evaluation of setting up pilot fostering project
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Foster care, International | Author: Ian Milligan
In this evaluation, we report on the initial set up of a pilot fostering project in Tajikistan.

Relationships Matter - Facilitating conversations at an event: An organiser’s perspective
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Corporate parenting | Author: Gayle Rice, Lizzie Morton
A case study of the use of the Relationships Matter toolkit to facilitate conversations with corporate parents from Scotland’s colleges.

Independent review of residential child care in England
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Sir Martin Narey
Report of Sir Martin Narey’s independent review of children’s residential care.

Strengthening family based care, strengthening social work in Kosovo
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Foster care, International | Author: Ian Milligan
For anyone interested in the operation and challenges of a care system in South-east Europe. This is a review of the care system in Kosovo.

Parents In Partnership Evaluation
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: Linda O'Neill
Evaluation of a developing parent and carer engagement model aimed at engaging parents and carers involvement in high school.

Supporting birth mothers after adoption
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Adoption, Health and Wellbeing | Author: Vicki Welch, Andressa Gadda, Chris Jones, Emma Young, Jennifer Lerpiniere
Latest findings highlight the support required by birth mothers after adoption.

Residential Child Care Workers: Practice Learning Exchange
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Kenny McGhee
An account of residential child care staff from three local authorities that shared learning by working in each other's workplace.

Every person is worthwhile: Evaluation of Camphill St Andrew’s Project
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Disability, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Jennifer Lerpiniere, Emma Young, Moyra Hawthorn, Ian Milligan, Vicki Welch
The evaluation shows that St Andrew’s outreach services has been very effective in meeting the needs of children, young people, and families.…

Measuring children and young people’s outcomes in residential education
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Disability, Education, Residential care | Author: Jennifer Lerpiniere, Rachel Harris, Vicki Welch
Evaluation report of Educating through Care Scotland Pilot - an outcomes framework for children with significant additional support needs in …

Evaluation Report: Early Years Assessment Team (Scottish Borders)
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Adoption, Child protection, Foster care, Kinship care, Local authority, Looked after at home, Permanence | Author: Andressa Gadda, Vicki Welch, Malcolm Hill, Emma Young
Evaluation of a model of early intervention to improve the care and support to vulnerable families during pregnancy and once the baby is born…

Transforming Lives: The first 18 months of the MCR Mentoring Programme
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Education, Looked after at home, Residential care | Author: Dr Giovanna Fassetta, Dr Lindsay Siebelt, Iain Mitchell
A mentoring project based in Glasgow schools for looked after young people. Mentoring helps young people achieve more in education.

Impact of the CELCIS Permanence and Care Team
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Permanence | Author: Vicki Welch, Rachel Harris, Andressa Gadda, Dominique Harvey
Evaluation on the impact of the PaCT team who work with stakeholders across Scotland on permanence improvements.

Interim review of the Permanence and Care Excellence programme
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Permanence | Author: Vicki Welch, Rachel Harris, Andressa Gadda, Dominique Harvey
An interim evaluation of the Permanence and Care Excellence programme.

Sharing Practice to Improve Outcomes for Care Leavers
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Kenny McGhee, Jennifer Lerpiniere
Evaluation findings from a throughcare and aftercare learning exchange between three local authorities.

Moving forward on alternative care: Assessment of the Foster Care Pilot Project in Albania
Year: 2014 | Topic:
International | Author: Irene Stevens, Graham Connelly & Ian Milligan
Our evaluation of a foster care project in Albania.

Holding the Space Evaluation
Year: 2012 | Topic:
Residential care, SIRCC, Voices of young people | Author: Laura Steckley
This report addresses the evaluation of the Holding the Space Training as rolled out to Action for Children’s children’s homes across Scotlan…

Social Pedagogy and Inter-professional Practice
Year: 2012 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Evelyn Vrouwenfelder, Ian Milligan, Mark Merrell
Evaluation of an Orkney Islands Training Programme

Scottish Research on Looked After Children since 2000
Year: 2011 | Topic:
Foster care, Kinship care, Looked after at home, Residential care | Author: Malcolm Hill, University of Strathclyde
This paper is based on a review of Scottish research since 2001 on services for looked after children. It focuses on studies and results rele…

A Summary of Policy and Research Reports relating to the Childrens Workforce
Year: 2011 | Topic:
Residential care, SIRCC | Author: Cambium Advocacy
A summary of research and policy reports written between 2005 and 2011 about the values, knowledge, and skills required for an effective chil…

Time to Be Heard Pilot Forum Evaluation: A Chance to Say More
Year: 2011 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Historical abuse, SIRCC, Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Moyra Hawthorn, Andrew Kendrick
Commissioned by Scottish Government to gain an in-depth perspective of participants in the Time to Be Heard Pilot Forum.

Social pedagogy and its links to Holding the Space
Year: 2010 | Topic:
SIRCC | Author: Dr Irene Stevens
Exploring the similarities between Holding The Space (a therapeutic approach to care) and Social pedagogy (a holistic approach to child care)…

Introducing social pedagogy into Scottish residential child care
Year: 2009 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Ian Milligan
An evaluation of the Sycamore Services social pedagogy training programme by Ian Milligan.

Residential Child Care Qualifications Audit
Year: | Topic:
Education, Residential care | Author: SIRCC (incorporated into CELCIS)
An audit to determine whether levels of qualified staff have risen and to identify qualification trends throughout the residential child care…

Evaluation of Brucefield case management arrangements
Year: 2008 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Ian Milligan
A consultant's final report on a pilot project focusing on Brucefield, a long-established local authority home for children and young people …

Evaluation of SIRCC HNC in Social Care
Year: 2007 | Topic:
Permanence, SIRCC | Author: Donna Liyanage
The findings from a survey of residential childcare workers who have completed the HNC in Social Care.

Designing with Care
Year: 2006 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Residential care, SIRCC, Voices of young people | Author: Catherine Docherty, Andrew Kendrick, Paul Sloan, Jennifer Lerpiniere
A study examining the attitudes to a range of design interventions in four residential care homes for children in South Lanarkshire.
How to use our search?
Please type in your keyword, then use the filters to refine your results.
- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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