Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 23 No 1

Welcome to the spring 2024 issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care. The Scottish Parliament recently passed the Children (Care and Justice)(Scotland) Bill which, following Royal Assent, will become the Children (Care and Justice) (Scotland) Act 2023. In the context of the criminal justice system in Scotland, the Act will change the legal meaning of the term ‘child’ to encompass all under 18s in both the care and criminal justice systems. In practice, this means that the Kilbrandon principle whereby children in conflict with the law should have the care and protection of the Children’s Hearings System is extended to 16- and 17-year-olds and brings to an end the practice of using young offenders’ institutions and adult prisons, even temporarily, as a placement.
This really full issue is packed with long-form, peer-reviewed research papers, short articles, conference reviews, and book reviews. It also includes the full-text transcripts 21st Kilbrandon Lecture ‘Resisting the Marginalisation, Regulation and Criminalisation of Children and Young People’ given by Professor Emeritus Phil Scraton of Queen’s University Belfast at the University of Strathclyde, as well as a response given by Shumela Ahmed, care experienced activist, community educator and co-founder and managing director of the Resilience Learning Partnership.
You can also download your full copy of the journal.
Original Research
Title | Authors |
Beyond professional terms – the family metaphor in staff descriptions of their relations to young people in Swedish secure care | Peter Andersson and Marie Sallnäs |
Supporting gender diverse children in residential children’s homes: A qualitative study exploring the views and experiences of carers | Katrin Georgieva, Beatriz Nena, Sarah Elgie, Rebecca Dunbar |
Family strengthening approach towards ensuring reintegration of children restored back to their families from institutional care settings in India | Kiran Modi and Gurneet Kaur Kalra |
The Sounding Out project: Why pedagogy matters in supporting care experienced young people | Lio Moscardini and Jesse Paul |
The functions of the multilevel engagement theory | Muhammad Hassan Raza |
Feel what you feel: What are the effects of Reiki on young people in secure and residential childcare? | Abbi Jackson |
Short Articles
Title | Authors |
A reflexive relational model for ethical decision making in child and youth care | Varda Mann Feder and Laura Steckley |
Strengthening quality care in professional alternative child and youth care in group homes through continuing professional development | Monika Lengauer and Christian Posch |
Words into action: Bridging the gap between theory and practice when supporting young people in secure care | Olivia Roles and Lorraine Johnstone |
The Home Office children’s department: Implementing the 1948 Children’s Act, 1950-1970 | Jim Goddard |
Dare to care: Why being care aware matters in further and higher education | Kelly MacKenzie |
How nurturing is our Children’s House? Glasgow’s multiagency model of care | Seonaid Graham, Marie Duncan, Jenni Kerr, Imogen Wootton, Katie Quinn, and Jess Corbett |
#startwitharts –a call for action by Articulate’s Creative Changemakers | Eona Craig |
Conference Review
Title | Authors |
NSW DICE forums and training 2023 | Yvonne Hughes |
21st Kilbrandon Lecture | Phil Scraton |
Response to the 21st Kilbrandon Lecture | Shumela Ahmed |