Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 22 No 2

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Welcome to the autumn 2023 issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care. This issue is packed with three long-form, and peer-reviewed research papers from around the world, eight short articles, and three book reviews. It also includes a poem written in Doric, which is spoken in the north-east of Scotland, and a detailed report about the Lovin’ Care Gathering held in England earlier this year. Our next issue will publish in spring 2024.

You can also download your full copy of the Journal.



Title Authors
Editorial Graham Connelly

Long-form Articles

Short Articles

Book Reviews

Conference Review

Title Authors
CHW Lovin' Care Conference Amy Robinson


Title Authors
Poem: Our Loons Jean Marshall


Title Authors
Ian Dickson 1950-2022 Delyth Edwards

SJRCC volume 22.2