Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 22 No 1

Welcome to the spring 2023 issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care. In the lead-up to publication of this issue, enforced migration and dislocation of children and families has featured in news reports and we include two articles about supporting refugees in Scotland. This issue is packed with long-form, peer-reviewed research papers, five short articles, and book reviews. It also includes the full-text transcripts of two major lectures. Newly elected UN Committee on the Rights of The Child Chair Ann Skelton of the University of Pretoria gave the 20th Kilbrandon Lecture on Children of the Beloved Country: Lives and Legacies from Kilbrandon to Mandela, and the SIRCC 2022 keynote lecture, given by Bill Kahn of Boston University who addressed the conditions required for resilient caregiving organisations.
You can also download your full copy of the journal.
Peer reviewed articles
Title | Authors |
Making sense of family: A story completion study of birth children of foster carers | Bethany Shelton |
Evaluation of the ten-week Caring Changes training course for residential care practitioners | Ed Janes, Eleanor Staples, Alyson Rees |
Kilbrandon Lecture
Title | Authors |
Kilbrandon Lecture | Ann Skelton |
'Locating Scotland in the 20th Kilbrandon Lecture: Children of the beloved country – lives and legacies from Kilbrandon to Mandela | Sophie Shields |
SIRCC Key Note
Title | Authors |
SIRCC online conference (University of Strathclyde, 10th November 2022): Falling apart and hanging together: Notes on resilient caregiving organisations | Bill Kahn |
Commentary, reflections and other articles
Title | Authors |
Barnardo’s Scotland Welcomes Ukraine Service | Kirsty-Louise Hunt, Karen Campbell and David Findlay |
How young refugees rebuild their lives in new countries and how we can learn from their stories | Ravi KS Kohli, Sharon McGregor, Paul Sullivan, Emma Dixon, and Samantha Fiander |
Love-led practice in children’s residential care | Margaret Davies |
Enabling good relationships with young people: Keeping Scotland’s promise | David Woodier |
Care versus Treatment: Revisiting some Reflections on Residential Child Care in Scotland | Laura Steckley |
Book Reviews
Title | Authors |
Embodied Approaches to Supervision: The Listening Body by Celine Butté and Tasha Colbert | Marianne Macfarlane |
The White Bird Passes by Jessie Kesson | Jeremy Bayston |
Improving Outcomes for Looked After Children by Jacqui Horsburgh | Seonaid Graham |
Children in Care 1834-1929: The lives of destitute, orphaned, and deserted children by Rosemary Steer | Graham Connelly |