Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 17 No 1
In this issue you will find the usual mix of peer-reviewed papers, commentaries and book reviews. Included in the collection are: the text of the 15th annual Kilbrandon Lecture given by the Right Honourable Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland; a tribute by Merle Allsopp to the ‘father of the child and youth care profession in South Africa’, Brian Gannon; and a critique of ‘orphanage tourism’ by Nigel Cantwell and Emmanuelle Werner Gillioz.
Brian Gannon, 1937 – 2017
“Brian…opened a portal for the local field [in South Africa] into the developed child and youth care world, and his work on CYC-Net widened that access, and helped the local field to be seen as committed players in the international child and youth care arena.”
Merle Allsopp: Director of South Africa's National Association of Child Care Workers
(Extract from the tribute by Merle Allsopp to Brian Gannon, the ‘father of the child and youth care profession in South Africa.’ ).
Peer reviewed articles
Title | Authors |
Assisting Youth Leaving Care: Understanding Udayan Care’s Aftercare Programme through the Prism of Ecological Systems Theory | Kiran Modi, Archana Prasad, Jyoti Mishra |
Toronto’s First Street Kids and the Origins of Child Welfare Systems in Canada Part 2: Later years | Ted Dunlop |
Title | Authors |
Tribute – Brian Gannon 1939 - 2017 | Merle Allsopp |
Commentary, reflections and other articles
Title | Authors |
Lord Kilbrandon – my grandfather | Heather Shaw |
Now and then: Reflections on practice | Jean Cran, Irene Stevens |
Rolling out RESuLT: Facilitators' Experiences Delivering a First of its kind Evidence Based Intervention Training for Residential Workers | Lisa Armitage |
The orphanage industry: Flourishing when it should be dying | Nigel Cantwell, Emmanuelle Werner Gillioz |
The 15th Kilbrandon Lecture (University of Strathclyde, 23 November 2017) | The Right Honourable Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland |
Book reviews
Title | Authors |
Everyday Parenting with Security and Love: Using PACE to Provide Foundations for Attachment | Lorraine Sillars |
Listening to Young Children: a Guide to Understanding and Using the Mosaic Approach | Richard Withington |
Caring for a child who has been sexually exploited | Estelle Carmichael |
Hiding in Plain Sight: Exploring Scotland’s ill health | Mike Findlay |