Integrated Children’s Services in Scotland
Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Local authority
Author: Social Work Scotland
Two reports commissioned by Social Work Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Care Inspectorate, looking at the integration of Children's Services in Scotland.
The reports examine the impact of health and social care integration on children’s services in Scotland. Both reports provide an update on the findings of an extensive study, published in 2014-15, which looked at the potential impact of the Public Services (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (the legislation through which health and social care integration has been established in Scotland).
These update reports, like the original study, were commissioned by Social Work Scotland, and carried out by a partnership of CELCIS and Children in Scotland, with input from the Care Inspectorate. They aim to inform and stimulate debate about health and social care integration in Scotland, and public sector reorganisation more generally, highlighting in particular how this policy agenda is affecting the planning, management and delivery of children’s services.