Inform: Children and Young People Act (Part 10 and Part 11)
Year: 2014
Topic: Corporate parenting, Legislation, Throughcare and aftercare
Author: CELCIS
Topic: Corporate parenting, Legislation, Throughcare and aftercare
Author: CELCIS
Part 10: 'Aftercare' and Part 11: 'Continuing Care'
First in a series of briefings explaining specific parts of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. Each briefing sets out the new rights and responsibilities of looked after children, care leavers and carers, and the new duties, powers and expectations placed on public bodies.
This briefing examines the changes introduced to ‘Aftercare’ services. These changes are the most substantive reforms of the looked after children’s sector in many years, increasing the population eligible for ‘Aftercare’ support and introducing an obligation on local authorities to secure some care leavers in their looked after placement, up to their 21st birthday.