Gathering PACE 2017
Topic: Adoption, Children's hearings system, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Local authority, Looked after at home, Permanence
Author: CELCIS
At our annual Gathering PACE (Permanence and Care Excellence) event on 16 November, we welcomed over 120 delegates from across Scotland.
Gathering PACE is about sharing learning from all our PACE sites, as well as giving opportunities for learning and discussion about what is working to achieve better outcomes for our looked after children.
Presenters included: Maree Todd, Scottish Minster for Childcare and Early Years; Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director of Healthcare Quality and Strategy; and University of York's Professor of Social Work, Nina Biehal.
You can access a number of resources related to the event: a short video that asks speakers and delegates what PACE means to them; presentations from the main speakers; and posters from local PACE areas, outlining what has been achieved.
Gathering PACE 2017 Presentation
PACE Posters
This poster highlights what's been achieved by the Permanence & Care Excellence (PACE) programme throughout Scotland.