Every person is worthwhile: Evaluation of Camphill St Andrew’s Project
Topic: Corporate parenting, Disability, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people
Author: Jennifer Lerpiniere, Emma Young, Moyra Hawthorn, Ian Milligan, Vicki Welch
Camphill St Andrew’s Project is a new outreach service offering flexible and informal support to children and young people who are experiencing difficulties in the community or school, and to young people who are transitioning from school and children’s services to adult education and services.
This evaluation aimed to:
- Identify the effectiveness of the project
- Evidence its impact
- Offer insights about how the project might develop further
Main findings
St Andrew’s Project has been very effective in meeting the needs of children, young people, and families and has been highly valued by parents and authorities for the ability to reach out to children and families.
This new model of flexible support, ensuring children can continue to stay at home and maintain links with mainstream settings, looks very promising.
We were commissioned by St Andrew's Project to carry out this independent evaluation.