Education Forum May 2024

Year: 2024
Topic: Education
Author: CELCIS

Closing the poverty related attainment gap

The Scottish Government has a strong focus on closing the poverty related attainment gap in recognition of the impact that poverty can have on children and young people’s educational experiences and outcomes. Poverty and financial precariousness have a disproportionate impact on children in need of care and protection and can have a negative effect on areas such as attendance, exclusion, attainment, and post school destinations. Ensuring that families are able to access and receive the financial support that they may be entitled to is important, and education practitioners are often well placed to signpost and support families to work with agencies and organisations who can provide advice and financial assistance.

In this meeting of the Education Forum, hosted by CELCIS, we learned more about some of the help available to some of the families and young people who are supported in Scotland. Attendees heard from Emma Mcginlay and Tony Mitchell from the National Engagement and Partnership Team of Social Security Scotland, an executive agency of the Scottish Government that delivers social security payments. They shared information on some of Social Security Scotland's Low Income Benefits, which are currently available to eligible families and young people across Scotland. This will include information on both the Five Family Payments package, which helps pregnant people, children, and their families during key milestones, and the Job Start Payment, which is available to support young people entering the workplace.


Watch the webinar